The Weekly Photo Challenge set before us this week is “Unique”. The example photo is a beautiful picture of one open red tulip among a bed of tulips still in bud. It made me think that all flowers are unique in their own way. Take these pansies for example. Their sunny, smily faces are all slightly different and each one is unique.
![Weekly Photo Challenge: Unique DSC00335](
Once on the track looking for things unique, I found this photo that I took several years ago on a beach in Norfolk. Not only is the shape of the stone unique, so is the pattern in the sand around it.
![Weekly Photo Challenge: Unique A beach somewhere near Cromer](
People are all unique, individual and special in their own way. I don’t usually post photos of my family, however, I was recently sent this photo of my grandchildren in the snow. Just like the smiling pansies how unique can children be. I just love this picture wearing their “grannie hats” made by me, which are also unique!
![Weekly Photo Challenge: Unique snowhats](
Now you have seen this post, please take a trip across to the The Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge and view all the other wonderful contributions to “unique” there are some fabulous interpretations.
© Hurtlingtowards60 and Hurtled to 60 and Now Beyond ©AarTeePhotography;Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author is strictly prohibited