The WordPress Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge this week has been set by Cheri Lucas and this is how she set the challenge.
Solitary. I love capturing a person in a quiet and often unexpected moment. These kinds of images can be reflective, mysterious, or even sad, conjuring strong emotions and stirring up stories in my head. ….I experienced a few moments of silence as I watched a woman walk to the end of the room. We were strangers—yet alone, together. A solitary moment, frozen with my lens.
Share a picture that means SOLITARY to you!
First, as usual, I looked up the definition of SOLITARY: [sol-i-ter-ee]
adjective 1. alone; without companions; unattended: a solitary passer-by. 2. living alone; avoiding the society of others: a solitary existence.3. by itself; alone: one solitary house.4. characterized by the absence of companions: a solitary journey.5. done without assistance or accompaniment; done in solitude: solitary chores.* * * * *
Then, as usual, I took my camera out into the garden to seek something that would fit with the definition. I told myself there must be something I can use to incorporate the gardening theme I like to run through the weekly challenges. Sure enough, if you look hard enough for something you will find it.Last week, in my Garden Bloggers Bloom Day post I wrote that I wanted to include a photo of the beautiful Passion Flower growing outside my kitchen door, but sadly all the flowers were over. The first thing I saw this morning as I walking out of the kitchen, tucked away under a lot of leaves, I found one SOLITARY Passion Flower bud.Spurred on, I remembered I had made mention of the SOLITARY Verbena Bonariensis which looked too pathetic to include in the GBBD post. Well, its photographic opportunity has arisen, so here is my SOLITARY Verbena.Earlier this year I bought a selection of seeds from Higgledy Garden. All, bar the Scabious, were a great success, that is until a few days ago when I noticed that it had one SOLITARY flower. Fingers crossed it will be enough for some seeds, to enable more flowers next year.My fourth photo is also in the SOLITARY theme. I should never be surprised at how tough roses are. For a few years I have had a lovely, fragrant, red rose in a large pot (I can’t remember what it’s called) which I thought had died. Last week, I cut out all the obviously dead branches, pruned it hard and put the pot to one side. On my wanderings around this morning, I suddenly noticed it had produced new leaves on a SOLITARY branch. It does look a little strange but at least it is alive. Isn’t nature just wonderful! They may be SOLITARY flowers but they are a reminder that life goes on.Why not hop over to the Weekly Photo Challenge and take a look at how others have interpreted SOLITARY.
© Hurtlingtowards60 and Hurtled to 60 and Now Beyond. ©AarTeePhotography Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author is strictly prohibited