Gardening Magazine

Weekly Photo Challenge: Reflections

By Ronniejt28 @hurtledto60

This week’s photo challenge is guest hosted by Jared Bramblett. Read on for more about this week’s theme and his photography tips!

Reflections. This challenge is about using reflections in the composition of a shot. Reflections are all around us, whether they’re in a window, a puddle, a mirror, or another surface. They can dramatically affect the feeling and mood of a shot by creating a surreal sense of duality. Think of a city reflecting in a river, a crowd of people reflecting in the glass pane of a building, or — as in the shot I’ve chosen above — a landscape altered by the placement of a simple glass mirror.

Share a photo that means REFLECTIONS to you!

Tips: Think about using different perspectives and viewing angles to modify a reflection’s impact on your composition. For beginners: You can face a reflective surface head on to compose a creative self-portrait, or you can change your perspective so the reflection focuses on another part of the area around you. For advanced photographers: I’d also recommend playing around with the exposure of the reflections. For instance, if you use a wide aperture and meter an area in the reflection, you can creatively alter the appearance (depth of field) of the areas outside of the reflection.


I had to think about this challenge for a while, there are lots of different takes on what REFLECTIONS are. They can be a reflection in a mirror or in water, or moments of self-reflection. I have been sorting through my photo library and these are some of my favourite photos from 2012 depicting REFLECTIONS.

There are the REFLECTIONS you find on raindrops, sitting precariously on a rose leaf.


There is the REFLECTION on the a tall, stainless steel, water feature at the National Trust property Woolbeding near Midhurst, made by William Pye who was commissioned to designed the feature, erected in 2011, to replace an old Cedar tree. The feature represents the cedar tree.

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Then there are REFLECTIONS of bridges over lakes and rivers. This bridge is one of many at Stowe Landscape Gardens, Buckinghamshire.


My final photo is a combination of REFLECTIONS. One is the sun shimmering on the sea and the other is a seat on which we can sit and reflect on life with moments of self-reflection.

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© Hurtlingtowards60 and ©Hurtled to 60 and Now Beyond ©AarTeePhotography Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author is strictly prohibited

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