Fashion Magazine

Weekend Style // Tiered Ruffle Bell Sleeves

By Chineze @uhmayzinginez

Weekend Style // Tiered Ruffle Bell Sleeves
Weekend Style // Tiered Ruffle Bell SleevesWas it a case of misplaced priorities? Money over love? Was it objectification of a human? As a means to an end? When life’s essence, love and priorities get misplaced the results are usually that things feel less full; less free. This past weekend I traded my usual t-shirt for this full tiered ruffle bell sleeves from SheIn. It’s so full of exuberance; so enthusiastic in the wind what more could a weekend attire be made of?  Weekend Style // Tiered Ruffle Bell Sleeves

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By Libby Ok
posted on 28 March at 07:16

In the year of 2017. People around me suddenly begin to hang out with blue lace long sleeve dress.I'm feeling curious and suspicion at the moment:"Is this a thing now?"And here's my thoughts after research and the dress that I bought.
