Happy Sunday!!! This weekend B and I headed to the Melbourne International Flower & Garden show. This is my second time going, last year I was a volunteer at one of the charities. I'm not a fan of gardening but I do love going to see the flowers there, so many beautiful floral decorations and arrangements.
I do wonder though, how they kept some of their flowers alive.Check out the cute little grass rabbits on the bottom right corner. If my wedding wasn't cherry blossom themed, I would have picked this as my center piece. It's so simple yet beautiful. It really amazes me to see how this was put together. Today I was wearing my bracelet from OASAP. If anyone is interested this is a closeup of my bracelet. I was going to take an outfit pic but I completed forgot. There was a Garnier dome there, kinda random to have a skincare beauty place in a flower show but hey I'm not complaining lol Had to wait like 15-20mins in the queue but so worth the wait! Inside the dome, they can recommend skincare, hairstyling or a massage. I got a massage even though the line was the longest wait. The Garnier girl was amazing, I thought it would be a shabby shoulder and neck massage but I really enjoyed it. When people leave, they hand out a goodies bag. Garnier was very generous, the products were all full size!! They said this bag is worth over $50! The good thing was they put in everyday products that ppl would use.
Going to the flower show has got me thinking, I would like to learn floral arrangements some time in the future after I finish studying. I am making my wedding bouquet and will be posting about it in the next week or two.
Has anyone else been to a similar flower show?
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