For those of us who live in the Annapolis area, today’s a big day. Huge. It should be declared a holiday in Anne Arundel County where the Naval Academy is situated on the grounds of Annapolis in the city because the Blue Angels fly as part of graduation week. All of us, whether we know someone at the Academy or not, benefit from this wonderful tradition.
My clever mother booked us at the Severn Inn, which sits on the Severn River across from the Naval Academy, for the second year in a row. Our table was on the deck of the restaurant with a clear view of the river, the perfect vantage point to see the Blue Angels fly. I brought my Nikon with my super-duper zoom lens and strived to take some good photos to share with you. (Mind you, they travel at 400 miles per hour, and I am an amateur photographer, so I did my best)!
I also wore a new dress (yes, Wednesday Wardrobe | The Petite Professor segment will continue to run this summer on Wednesdays for fun), and I’m sharing what I wore here with you. My daughter and her friend also looked cute in their sundresses, and I’m posting their outfits as well.
If you have followed my blog for a bit, you know that I’m an author and that my first novel called Beneath the Mimosa Tree is set in Annapolis. I did my best to pay homage to our beautiful city, a place where I grew up and spent tons of time with family and friends. The actual neighborhood where Michael and Annabelle, the two main characters live, is the neighborhood adjacent to and up the hill from the Severn Inn. (I’m sentimental about my hometown; what can I say?)
The skills of the pilots who fly the Blue Angels marvel me every single time I see these planes fly. The precision of their flight patterns and their tricks delight all of us who put this day on our calendars year after year after year.
I hope you enjoy the photos I took today, and I hope you had a great Hump Day!