A couple of months ago, I posted about my Qipao evening dress here. I finally picked it up on Anzac day after 2 dress fitting. The second fitting took 2 hours, we were trying it on then making small alternations then repeat it 4-5times and we have a perfectly fitting dress.
Pic taken during the first fitting, button on left is missing. This is taken during the second fitting, second button is sewed on. Pins under the chest area to tighten the fabric around my waist for further alternations. This shot makes my chest look big for once in my life lol Best full body shot I could get (this is not the completed dress, by the time it was ready I was too drained to be taking photos). The side split comes up just right. When im wearing this dress, it reminds me of chun li from street fighter! Just missing the two buns on my head lol I found the fabric to crease really easily and even after constant ironing it doesn't look any better but I guess no one is going to notice on the night anyway.
So here you go my evening dress! Thoughts?
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