Lifestyle Magazine

Wedding Planning Using Pinterest

By Claire
  • My Per­fect Wed­ding Dress
  • Recep­tion Venues
  • Flower Arrange­ments
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  • DIY Wed­ding Favours
  • Brides­maids Dresses
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  • Bridal Hair & Makeup

You can browse all of the beau­ti­ful wed­ding Pins on Pin­ter­est to your heart’s con­tent but to start col­lect­ing your own ideas and mak­ing your own boards you’ll need a Pin­ter­est account. Pin­ter­est was until very recently invitation-only, but hap­pily any­one can now join — you can even sign in with your face­book or twit­ter account, easy as can be!

Search­ing Pin­ter­est is the best way to get started dis­cov­er­ing ideas.

Sim­ply use the search box at the top to find what you’re look­ing for. I’ll show you. Here I searched for “lace veils”…

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Using Pin­ter­est for wed­ding planning

Here I searched for “vin­tage wedding”…

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Using Pin­ter­est for wed­ding planning

Oh my good­ness! So many pretty ideas! Another good way to dis­cover stun­ning wed­ding ideas is to fol­low boards cre­ated by other peo­ple. Some of my per­sonal favourites are cre­ated by Style Me Pretty. Just look at their beau­ti­ful board with wed­ding bou­quet ideas…

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Using Pin­ter­est for wed­ding planning

You’ll notice that some of these Pins have com­ments below them. This is a great fea­ture which you could use to can­vas the thoughts of your friends and fam­ily. (If you want their opin­ion that is!) For exam­ple, email a link to your brides­maids for a board you’ve cre­ated with ideas you’ve col­lected for their dresses. Let them com­ment on the pins so you get an idea for their likes and dis­likes. Easy!

Pin­ter­est also makes it easy to com­mu­ni­cate your ideas to wed­ding sup­pli­ers. Instead of try­ing to tell your hair­dresser that you want your hair, ‘sort of up and swept to the side and curly with ringlet things’, just how them a pic­ture of the style that you’ve pinned and say, ‘I want my hair like this please!’

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Using Pin­ter­est for wed­ding planning

Another handy way to use Pin­ter­est is to down­load their smart phone app. It’s free and you can use it to upload your own pho­tos to your Pin­ter­est boards. Imag­ine you’re out shop­ping for your wed­ding dress and you want to remem­ber how a par­tic­u­lar dress laced up at the back or how intri­cate the crys­tal detail­ing on the dress was. Sim­ply take a quick pic­ture using your phone, upload it to Pin­ter­est and its stored safely for you.

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Using Pin­ter­est for wed­ding planning

It’s all too easy to lose hours brows­ing at all of the beau­ti­ful images and ideas already pinned by peo­ple so make sure the ideas you’re pin­ning are real­is­tic and achiev­able for your wed­ding. Above all else, make sure the wed­ding you plan is per­sonal to you and your part­ner. Have an amaz­ing wed­ding day.

Author Bio: When not plan­ning her own wed­ding, Sarah Dawes writes for Port­fo­lio of Fine Dia­monds. Port­fo­lio sup­ply unique dia­mond jew­ellery made using only the finest qual­ity, cer­ti­fied diamonds.

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