While we haven't chosen purple as our color scheme, I'm still undecided exactly what color the bridesmaids will wear. The main colours are peach and burgundy however I feel like neither of these will work...

I do love the peach but as I mentioned in my post when I revealed our colours, I feel like it looks too Spring/Summer for an Autumn wedding. But the on the other hand, if I have them in burgundy, I feel like it looks quite wintery and I'm not a fan of red anyway... such a hard decision! I have debated wether to have a mixture of the two, so some in burgundy and some in peach but I'm not too sure if I will like the way it looks.. I'm also not even too sure how many bridesmaid I am having!

The only other option I have is to choose a different color that still goes with the burgundy and peach, maybe a champagne or blush? I do love gold but it's hard to get it right, I don't want it to look tacky. I'm going to be having a good look on Pinterest to see if I can come up with something I like!
What color do you like best? What color dresses did your bridesmaids wear?
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