Current Magazine

Weather Channel Named Last Weekend’s Storm “Nemo.” What Would Other Networks Do?

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Last week, we wondered when someone began naming winter storms and blamed the Mainstream Weather Media.

Since writing that entry, CNBC reported that the Weather Channel is responsible for naming winter storms, and the National Weather Service does not name storms.

3 More Networks We Want To See Name Winter Storms

1. E! The home of Keeping Up With The Kardashians could let Momager Kris Jenner name all of the storms the same way she names her daughters: with names that start with the letter “K.” We look forward to winter storm Klumpy, as that’ll bring thick, snowman-and-snowwoman-making-snow!

Now that Will Forte has left SNL we doubt winter storm MacGruber will help NBC's ratings or sales of garments at the NBC Store.

Now that Will Forte has left SNL we doubt winter storm MacGruber will help NBC’s ratings or sales of garments at the NBC Store.

2. Fox News. Here comes fair and balanced winter storm Chill O’Reilly! This aggressive storm brings lots of snow to the blue states, which is fair because they’re in the north or have mountains. And it’s balanced in that it doesn’t bring snow to Hawaii, which is also a blue state, or part of Kenya, depending on which Fox fact-checking intern you ask.

3. A&E. This network, once name after Arts and Entertainment, and now home to shows about people hoarding stuff and storing stuff will be proud to present winter storm Stryofoam-Bits-From-Boxes-In Your-Garage!

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