Lifestyle Magazine

We Wanted to Keep It as Country Bumpkin as Possible! Katie and Matt’s Tipi Wedding

By Claire

The styling and gen­eral decor all looks fan­tas­tic. Katie and Matt have made it look easy — and the wed­ding tents are lovely and wel­com­ing, pretty and full of spe­cial touches which make their tipi wed­ding a very per­sonal one.

Oxfordshire tipi wedding images by Barrie Downie (2)

Con­grat­u­la­tions and big thank yous to an amaz­ing cou­ple. Matt, Katie — your wed­ding report is fab. Your pho­tos are bril­liant. You look beau­ti­ful (yes, both of you!) and like a match made in heaven. Thanks ever so much for shar­ing your wed­ding on the Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog today! With spe­cial thanks as well to wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Bar­rie Downie for shar­ing his lovely images of today’s tipi wed­ding blog too. Every­one — enjoy! Claire xxx

Oxfordshire tipi wedding images by Barrie Downie (3)

A very per­sonal tipi wed­ding — Katie and Matt’s coun­try wed­ding blog

Oxfordshire tipi wedding images by Barrie Downie (4)

Oxfordshire tipi wedding images by Barrie Downie (5)

Oxfordshire tipi wedding images by Barrie Downie (6)

Oxfordshire tipi wedding images by Barrie Downie (7)

Oxfordshire tipi wedding images by Barrie Downie (8)

Oxfordshire tipi wedding images by Barrie Downie (9)

Oxfordshire tipi wedding images by Barrie Downie (10)

Oxfordshire tipi wedding images by Barrie Downie (11)

Oxfordshire tipi wedding images by Barrie Downie (12)

Oxfordshire tipi wedding images by Barrie Downie (13)

Oxfordshire tipi wedding images by Barrie Downie (14)

Oxfordshire tipi wedding images by Barrie Downie (15)

Oxfordshire tipi wedding images by Barrie Downie (16)

Oxfordshire tipi wedding images by Barrie Downie (17)

Oxfordshire tipi wedding images by Barrie Downie (18)

Oxfordshire tipi wedding images by Barrie Downie (19)

Oxfordshire tipi wedding images by Barrie Downie (20)

Oxfordshire tipi wedding images by Barrie Downie (21)

Oxfordshire tipi wedding images by Barrie Downie (22)

Oxfordshire tipi wedding images by Barrie Downie (23)

Oxfordshire tipi wedding images by Barrie Downie (24)

Oxfordshire tipi wedding images by Barrie Downie (25)

Oxfordshire tipi wedding images by Barrie Downie (26)

Oxfordshire tipi wedding images by Barrie Downie (27)

Oxfordshire tipi wedding images by Barrie Downie (28)

Oxfordshire tipi wedding images by Barrie Downie (29)

Oxfordshire tipi wedding images by Barrie Downie (30)

Oxfordshire tipi wedding images by Barrie Downie (31)

Wed­ding venue:

The Church was St Mary the Vir­gin in Buck­land Vil­lage which is near Far­ing­don, Oxon. The Wed­ding recep­tion was held at The Dove­cote also in Buck­land, which is a build­ing that Matt’s par­ents ren­o­vated as a roman­tic hol­i­day let and had space next to it for some tipis.

Wed­ding photographer:

Bar­rie Downie – fantastic!

How would you describe your wed­ding style?

Eng­lish country

Invi­ta­tions and recep­tion stationery:

We went online! for the invi­ta­tions, RSVPs and thank you cards. We made the orders of ser­vice and table names our­selves, and we bought some bird shaped place cards from John Lewis

What did you both wear?

Bride: My dress was called Dita by Naomi Neoh. She has a beau­ti­ful stu­dio in West Nor­wood, Lon­don. It was the first dress I tried on and although I tried on lots more I went back to Dita.

My shoes were from Bhs!! I searched high and low for some sparkly kit­ten heels and I found the per­fect pair for just £22!

I wanted to keep my acces­sories sim­ple and pretty so I wore dia­mond stud ear­rings and a dia­mond pen­dant neck­lace. I fin­ished it off with a ten­nis bracelet from Swarovski.

The brides­maids wore Vivien of Hol­loway dresses with match­ing petticoats

Groom: I found a 2 piece suit with the right fab­ric in a high street store in Mel­bourne (where we live). It was navy with a faint pur­ple check – pur­ple was our main color amongst lots of others.

We’d like to say we tied it in with the Queen’s Dia­mond jubilee and the Olympics color but it was pure coin­ci­dence. I bought an extra set of trousers and had a waist­coat made with light cream silk lin­ing on the back.

My tie and pocket hand­ker­chief were a match­ing set and I found my shoes (with pur­ple laces) in a Ted Baker out­let in Melbourne.

A lit­tle about the wed­ding ceremony:

The wed­ding cer­e­mony was held at St Mary the Vir­gin Church in Buck­land. The Vicar Joy was fan­tas­tic and got to know us well before the big day. It was this church where Matt had sung for 9 years dur­ing his time at the local pri­mary school – so it has a nice con­nec­tion for us. We chose some patri­otic hymns to belt out: “Jerusalem”, “I vow to thee my coun­try” and “All things bright and beautiful”

We chose a reli­gious and a non reli­gious read­ing for the cer­e­mony. The reli­gious read­ing was Solomon’s Song – Chap­ter 2. We chose it mainly because it men­tions “the coo­ing of doves” which tied in with our recep­tion at a Dovecote.

The non reli­gious read­ing which my twin brother chose was called ‘Love Mon­key’ by Edward Monk­ton — a story about how to find true love and how to make it flourish.

Tell us a lit­tle about your wed­ding venue styling and details:

Buck­land is a typ­i­cal Eng­lish coun­try vil­lage on the edge of the Cotswolds so we wanted to keep it as coun­try bump­kin as possible.

We con­sid­ered a mar­quee for the recep­tion at the Dove­cote but it didn’t feel right, so we were super chuffed when we found the tipis. We absolutely loved the arrange­ment shaped around the Dove­cote and although they appear small from the out­side they are actu­ally really spa­cious on the inside.

The din­ing area was flanked by a dance floor lit with fairy lights on one side and a bar on with an open fire on the other. We printed off pic­tures of each cou­ple in our fam­ily on their wed­ding day going back 3 gen­er­a­tions and hung them from string around the bar, which we loved!

There was plenty of bunting, hay bales and coun­try flow­ers dot­ted around but we didn’t want to overdo it as the tipis and Dove­cote looked gor­geous as they are.

We also had uplighters on the Dove­cote which looked fan­tas­tic as day turned to night. One of the ush­ers arranged for an ice cream van to pop down at sun­set too which was yummy.

Wed­ding music and entertainment:

On arrival at the Dove­cote we had an acoustic jazz band play­ing who were absolutely per­fect for the set­ting. Whilst the music was play­ing we had Pimm’s and coun­try cider going around

In the evening we used MightyFine Enter­tain­ment. Mark was fan­tas­tic and really got to know our taste.

Mem­o­rable wed­ding day moments:

The entire day was per­fect but here are a few of our highlights.…

  • Watch­ing the tipis go up on the Wednes­day in tor­ren­tial rain as the lane turned into a river – that was emo­tional! Luck­ily the week­end was pure sunshine
  • See­ing the best man bend over to pick some­thing up hav­ing just got into his suit and tear­ing a mas­sive hole in the rear of his trousers… luck­ily he had a spare!
  • Hear­ing that Mrs A had arrived at the church! And then watch­ing her walk down the aisle
  • Walk­ing back down the aisle as Mr & Mrs A
  • Lis­ten­ing to hilar­i­ous and emo­tional speeches with the evening sun stream­ing into the tipis
  • Steal­ing a moment alone to catch the last glimpse of sun­set and reflect on the day together

Wed­ding day advice:

We were given some very good advice before our big day. Here’s a few things to remember.…

  1. Be calm and kind to your mum
  2. Have at least 1 glass of cham­pagne in the morn­ing but no more than 3
  3. Make sure you find a moment at the recep­tion for just the two of you to step away and take it all in
  4. Don’t sweat the small stuff, savour every lit­tle moment, and have fun!

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers:

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