So.. As I was browsing the World Wide Web tonight and came across something rather odd when I was googling Wayhome 2016...Now I know last year Wayhome had a pretty cool cryptic way of letting people know about the festival. Is this possibly a way they are leaking there own headliner, or maybe just a hint?

Now take a closer the //Young Money, Cash Money. Now I have been so deep in the country world the last couple years but I do know that is the name of Lil' Wayne's company that just so happens to have Drake under its banner.
So....Could Drake and Lil'Wayne be headed to Wayhome 2016? Things have been quiet so heck why not stir the pot and start putting our thinking caps on to who is going to rock the Wayhome stages in 2016. What do you think? Are we reaching? Or do you think this has any merit? Let us know what you think.
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Well if your reading this you must really be bored... So I was born and raised in a small town and have a thirst for good Canadian Whiskey and amazing Country Music.