Current Magazine

Washington D.C. As Good At Naming Sports Teams As Passing Laws Voters Want

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

The Associated Press reports that 10 members of Congress have written a letter to the owner of the Washington Redskins, the NFL Commissioner, and the owners of every other NFL team, asking the team name be changed as it’s offensive to Native Americans.

Oh, Washington, D.C., as we agree the name should be changed, we declare you to be the official worse city at naming sports teams! Nationals? Wizards? Capitals? Are their no birds or other animals native to the D.C. area that could make for more interesting team names and mascots?

3 Worse Names For The Washington Nationals (That’s The D.C. Baseball Team, In Case You Fell Asleep Midway Through Reading The Word “Nationals”)

1. The Cleveland Indians. This would be a terrible name because it would add another-offensive-to-Native-Americans team name to D.C., and confuse tourists looking for the Rock N’ Roll Hall of Fame, as they wind up in the Smithsonian Institute.

2. The Washington Green Sox. Baseball already has “Red” and “White Sox.” Why not add the color of money, the thing that decides what really gets done in Washington?

3. The Washington National Leagues. Okay, it was already a bit weird that you named your team after the league it plays in, but now things are going to get real confusing!

Tomorrow! We make fun of another D.C. sports name in this three part series!

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