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Want To Top Yourself? Sign Into Twitter

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

Jeez when did Twitter become a bloody mortuary? I think I may have followed far too many suicidal tweens or teens. I say tweens as I have just been chatting to a rather extraordinarily good writer who informed she was 12.

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I am sad and somewhat worried at the amount of young girls who take to Twitter to tweet about their suicide attempts and how they are starving their bodies so they look amazing

Rain check

This is Twitter right? A social media site to make connections, friends? Not tell the world about how you intend to kill yourself

OK OK I get the whole I need support and yes I get how crap you feel when depressed but is there any need to post things like this?


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A 12 year old girl posting a picture of shocking collar bones with the line of – I need her collar bones? No love what you need is your parents to take more notice of what your doing online.

Is this girl actually 12? I doubt it to be fair after she sent me a rather “telling off” to my direct message box; which you can view further down ( I have covered the users name). If she is 12 then her English test papers sure are giving her an A* this year.

The point is Twitter has become a Topping Ground

If your feeling down and suffering from depression, please think twice about who you follow on Twitter. I also worryingly see Twitter accounts that have a Bio offering support, yet the tweets are all self centred around the Tweeter and how they want to end their lives


Can you imagine feeling so low that you turn on Twitter as a last resort to finding someone to talk too and you come across this kind of support?

Go on bite my head off … Everyone needs to let of steam and have a moan

Yes I agree they do and you will often see me personally tweet about my own mental health but come on do you really need to ask 4/5 a day, 7 days a week “If I killed myself tonight would you miss me?”


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The best people to talk too when you feel worthless, useless and so alone are those that have felt that way too or know about mental health matters. But to support someone who may well be thinking of suicide, you must be in the correct state of mind yourself.

Twitter can provide an amazing support network, it can also send some over the edge

If you need support then firstly please speak out to real life family and friends you can trust who can help you seek professional health from professionals before turning to Twitter

There are some great resources and support on Twitter, so search direct for those who are trained or can help you cope with how you are feeling, steer clear of those who actively promote suicide, eating disorders as the next best thing or those offering to help you, yet only talk about how crap they are feeling.

When your down and struggling you need to surround yourself with people who can relate to you, yet are able to stay positive and actually steer you in the right direction.

The “Telling Off”


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