Hello hello to all my lovely readers. I have really been trying to force myself to write a bunch of posts lately and take some snaps of my huge thrifting trip (yet again, I know) yesterday but I have just been feeling as low as your can nearly get because I do believe I am coming down with the flu that has been going around. Lucky me! And ironic indeed as well as just my luck, as I was unable to receive a flu shot recently because I was taking a special steroid for the pinched nerve/herniated disc in my neck and getting vaccines during the course of that treatment is a no-no. So I missed out and intended to get one this week, but here we are. What impeccable timing.
Anywhos, on to the topic at hand – hair! I have been itching to yet again change my hair color on my Bettie bangs and am just torn between two wonderful colours. Since I just cannot bring myself to a decision, I am opening up that decision to you! I have entered a poll below for all of you to easily vote on what color you would think would look best and prefer to see next on my Bettie bangs. I have the black hair besides so keep that in mind too!
Here are the options:

Atomic Turquoise

Hot Pink
Go for it and let me know.
Thank you all for your help!
<a href="http://polldaddy.com/poll/6822571">Take Our Poll</a>