A lot of people are asking themselves one question right now: Where did Phillip Phillips find this song?
After all, the track is ten years old and somehow, it managed to miss the charts (except for Ireland) and the ears of millions. Even I had never heard it until Phillip sang it American Idol this past Wednesday night. He did a great job, I might also add. Watch his performance HERE.
Volcano was released from his first studio album, O, in February of 2002. It became a single in Ireland (the singer’s home) in October of 2003, making #29. It’s pretty surprising the track never went further than that…
However, Phillip’s performance has had an impact on the song and Mr. Rice should be thanking him right now. I’m pretty sure his iTunes sales and You Tube views have gone up considerably.
Rice hasn’t released an album since 2006 but has contributed his voice to a few compilation albums.