Food & Drink Magazine


By Lilveggiepatch @Lilveggiepatch

My oldest friend, Jenny, and her boyfriend Aaron came to visit for the weekend from Ohio.  They were our first house guests!   We normally only get to see each other once a year, for a in Michigan, so this was a real treat.  IMG_7072

It was fun to explore our city through a tourist’s eyes… we walked through Times Square at night, strolled over the Brooklyn Bridge at sunset, weaved through the crowded streets of Chinatown (for dinner at 456 Shanghai)  and popped in to my favorite museum of all time.  Sometimes it takes a visitor to remind you what your own home has to offer.


This afternoon, my parents had us over for a cozy Easter brunch.  As usual, my parents put out quite a spread!  I’m trying to get back on track with my eating in terms of adhering to the FODMAPS elimination plan, and my parents were champs.

gf cornbread

My mom made a batch of gluten free cornbread (which we’d tried years before and loved) and it was just as good as we remembered.  She also made ham for the meat eaters, and my dad grilled salmon for me and B.  Plus roasted vegetables + salad.

easter fodmaps

My mom also picked up Easter treats: fancy peeps + chocolate bunnies.  

peeps in eggs

It was a special holiday.  Old friends, family, and good food… what more can a girl ask for?


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