Hi, my story is similar to the one of the lady who wrote I Was A Pregnant Virgin. I must tell you that the past two weeks have been quite an emotional rollercoaster and still are in fact.
I recently turned 25 and I am a virgin. I’ve always maintained that I will stay this way until marriage therefore I also did not even think of using contraceptives and there have been times in the pas when my periods would skip a month. So when they skipped in January it was no big deal for me, but then they also skipped in February and I thought maybe there’s something wrong with me.
I actually feared that I might not be able to have children, mainly because I was experiencing abdominal pains. It felt like I was having the period pains, but just no period, but still I never suspected pregnancy, neither did my boyfriend.
But then early March the pain got worse so I decided to go see a doctor. The doctor asked about contraceptives and I told him I don’t use them because I’m not sexually active.
He then examined me and told me we must go to the sonar to see what’s going on inside of me.
I lay there thinking there’s no way this could be pregnancy, but then the doctor asked me if I’m sure I’m not sexually active, I told him I’m absolutely positive. But then he told me the incredible unexpected news ”You are pregnant.”.
I felt like I was going crazy, even told him to give me a pregnancy test and he was so patient with me, but I could see he did not believe me when I said I’m a virgin. So I asked him to examine me down there, he did and confirmed it, I’m still a VIRGIN. I told him this is too awkward my family won’t believe me and he said I must take them to him. I was having a virgin pregnancy if I liked it or not.
Now I’ve been dealing with this for the past two weeks, even went to another doctor yesterday and she confirmed that I’m pregnant. So now I’m a 25-year old pregnant virgin. Who would have thought that I would get pregnant from semen escaping in to me, but it happened.
I even decided to tell only the people close to me the full story, the rest must just believe it was done the ”traditional way”. Glad I could share this.
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