Lifestyle Magazine

Vintage Wedding Invitations — Gorgeous New Ideas for 2013

By Claire

One of the North West’s very best wed­ding sta­tionery design­ers, Jo spends her days hand­craft­ing these exquis­ite and charm­ing paper treats. Using retro and vin­tage type styles, kraft papers, lace and pretty embell­ish­ments, Jo cre­ates such beau­ti­ful acces­sories for any vin­tage wed­ding theme.

Brand new vin­tage wed­ding invi­ta­tions and save the dates

Now Vin­tage Twee has launched a brand new range with vin­tage wed­ding invi­ta­tions, save the dates and match­ing acces­sories to set the scene for your vin­tage wed­ding day!

Find out more about the six new col­lec­tions below — I love them to bits and I hope you do too!

The Vin­tage Travel collection

…for war time romance and nos­tal­gia. This range cap­tures a nos­tal­gic feel­ing and authen­tic vin­tage appeal from the use of kraft browns, twine, old stamps and beau­ti­ful handwritten-type text.

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The Vin­tage Music collection

… for time­less 1920s deca­dence. Sim­ple, ele­gant and beau­ti­fully crafted.

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The Royal Range of vin­tage wed­ding invitations

… for Vic­to­rian ele­gance and grandeur. I love the intri­cate detail­ing, the soft lace and tiny rib­bons and pearls!

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The Pretty Eng­lish collection…

for pas­tel, flo­rals and after­noon tea themed wed­ding inspi­ra­tion. This is clas­sic Vin­tage Twee and my favorite col­lec­tion to share with you on Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog!

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The Lit­er­a­ture Range

…for clas­sic book lovers every­where. Softly torn pages, roman­tic texts and the per­fect intro­duc­tion to a literature-inspired wed­ding theme.

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Ditzy 50s

… for retro quirk­i­ness! This col­lec­tion is new to Vin­tage Twee and I think it’s fab! Absolutely spot on for a retro wed­ding celebration.

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It’s been far too long since I last fea­tured the gor­geous Vin­tage Twee on Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog. I still keep my cal­lig­ra­phy nibs in one of Jo’s beau­ti­fully dec­o­rated lit­tle boxes! Every­thing from Vin­tage Twee is like trea­sure — I rec­om­mend her sta­tionery for any of you out there plan­ning a vin­tage wed­ding day. Your guests will love them, as will you!

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By Aisley
posted on 14 December at 19:40
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Looks like you had a phenomenal day. LOVE your bands too, I went for soiehtmng different too and wear it alone, with my diamond on my other hand.