Lifestyle Magazine

Vintage Feather Fan Wedding Ideas

By Claire

Vin­tage bridal inspi­ra­tion shoot: feath­ers and pearls

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An inspi­ra­tional wed­ding idea: vin­tage feathers

This pho­to­shoot was inspired by the beau­ti­ful vin­tage ostrich feather fan with mother of pearl sticks, dis­cov­ered in ‘All About Eve At Home’ shop, a delight­ful place full of vin­tage pieces and jew­ellery, as well as a enchant­ing selec­tion of items for the home, which owner Melanie sources mainly in France’s antique fairs and markets.

The idea to use a fan instead of a ‘bou­quet’ came from a bride who pur­chased one of Melanie’s ostrich feather fans for her own wedding.

It imme­di­ately struck me that the ideal dress to accom­pany this awe­some acces­sory would be one of tal­ented designer Joanne Flem­ming along with a pro­fu­sion of vin­tage pearl jew­ellery, a head­piece spe­cially cre­ated for the shoot by Lorna Green Tiaras and mother of pearl embell­ished shoes by Freya Rose.

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Vin­tage Hol­ly­wood glam­our wed­ding ideas

Anne Veck ‘s immense tal­ent for dra­matic hair­styles trans­formed Tiffany into a Hol­ly­wood star and the 1930’s style Jaguar Royal made a per­fect match with her glam­ourous look.

Helle­bore flow­ers arranged by Wild Lily Flow­ers in pearl vases and del­i­cate glass jar add a sub­tle sophis­ti­ca­tion to the scene set in the library at Poundon House, and adorn Ros­alind Miller’s refined cupcakes.

The allur­ing Dia­mant cham­pagne bot­tle and the antique crys­tal glasses give an exclu­sive touch to the story, ready for the cou­ple to cel­e­brate in pure VIP style, before they leave for a roman­tic des­ti­na­tion as sug­gested by Char­lie Loves Lucy’s ‘travel’ theme sta­tionery.

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  • Pho­tog­ra­phy: Liz Ben­jamin Photography
  • Plan­ning, design and styling: Elian Con­cept Wed­dings & Events
  • Florist: Wild Lily Flowers
  • Hair­dresser: Anne Veck Hair
  • Make up artist: Char­lotte Cromer
  • Venue: Poundon House
  • Cake: Ros­alind Miller cakes
  • Dress, coat & wrap: Joanne Flem­ing Design
  • Hair acces­sories: Lorna Green Tiaras
  • Shoes: Freya Rose
  • Sta­tionery: Char­lie loves Lucy
  • Room dec­o­ra­tions, vin­tage jew­ellery & acces­sories: All about Eve at home and stylist’s own
  • Vin­tage car: Ban­bury Wed­ding Cars
  • Cham­pagne: Vranken Dia­mant
  • Mod­els: Tiffany Saun­ders and Andreas Anderson

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