TV & Video Magazine

VIDEO: Todd Lowe and Gary Calamar Discuss True Blood’s Season 6 Music

Posted on the 28 June 2013 by Truebloodnetcom @truebloodnet

Hear what he has to say about True Blood’s Season 6 to’s Adam Weissler (“Extra’s” Senior Music Correspondent). True Blood’s Music Supervisor Gary Calamar also stops by for a chat.

Lowe and Calamar discuss what goes into choosing a song for True Blood. Calamar also talks about what happens when an episode title is changed at the last moment (since each episode title is named after a song). And exactly how does music placement in TV series, such as True Blood, helps music artists get their music sold – especially with how easy it is to download songs on iTunes? Find out in the interview below.

Make sure you listen to the end to find out how Terry Bellefleur will fare in True Blood’s Season 6!

You can watch the full interview below:

Source: - An Inside Look at the Music on ‘True Blood’

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