Lifestyle Magazine

Versatility Leads to Hair Happiness

By Mamakbest @mamakbest

The versatility my natural hair provides is a big huge plus.  As this curly poof is growing, I am getting antsy, wanting a different look or color or something so I’ve tried playing with different looks.   I also wanted a different style for my birthday… so I tried things…lol… and failed at things and learned that there is a reason the wash and go is my go to style, it works!   Today’s Throwback Thursday  is a collection of the different looks I tried or wore over the last little while.

The Fro:  I love it so much!  The first time I accidentally happened upon this, I was amazed.  I didn’t know my hair would do this and it was a happy discovery.  After seeing how much bigger the fro was the second time, I told myself I would pick out the curls every 6 weeks to see how big it is getting.  I’m pretty sure it no longer fits in the frame if I attempt to take the picture.  It is time for me to pick it out again.  We’ll see!  Now I just have to get up the nerve to rock this for a day.

Versatility leads to Hair Happiness
Versatility leads to Hair Happiness
Versatility leads to Hair Happiness

For my birthday, I wanted to recreate this makeup look and decided I loved Solange’s hair here as well and attempted styles for looser curls.   MakeupLook

The Roller Set: I learned a little while ago that a roller set does not work for me.   I think I need bigger rollers but bigger rollers don’t have the little clamp and I’m not skilled enough to use curlers without clamps.  If you have a suggestion, please share because this only resulted in me looking like the early 90s Kellie.  Um. Fail.

Versatility leads to Hair Happiness
Versatility leads to Hair Happiness

Bantu Knots:  Well… I tried.  LOL.  I watched the lovely Taryn tell me how to create my own bantu knots.  Easy breezy… I can do this! 
And I did!   I was worried they would come out when I slept but they didn’t.  I woke up really early to check the results.  Um yeah, let’s just say bantu knots aren’t the look for me either.
Bantu Knots
The Wrap Around Braid:  This was my fix for the bantu knots result.   I tried. The picture doesn’t show the details of the braid but I was proud of myself for braiding it all the way around a few times! This was the day after the Bantu Knot fail... the only answer to that result! lol

This was the day after the Bantu Knot fail… the only answer to that result! lol

The Top Bun:  This is the look I miss most from my straight hair days.  I loved loved loved a top bun and now even the curls can do it!  I just needed two bands and bobby pins, unlike the straight hair days. Still love though.

Top Bun

Curly Hair Top Bun

Birthday Hair: I’m not even sure what to call this one but it took me going through my arsenal of hair tools to create it and in the process I learned how to create the Diana Ross look with ease… so that’s going to happen soon!

Birthday Hair

Birthday Hair

The Poof:  What’s curly hair without a big ole poof?!  In this heat, it usually starts down and ends up on top of my head in a poof.

Top Poof

The Poof

A Hat:  It’s finally getting long enough to wear a hat!  I’ve had this hat for a while and it has just been sitting there… a combination of the resident Brooklyn fan and my hair not being long enough to wear a hat… but it’s almost there!

Knicks Hat

Curly Hair and a Hat

The Wash and Go:  My default style.  I think my hair is in a weird place where it is not getting longer, just bigger.  Is that possible?  I think so, I guess I need to pick out the fro to see! I wash and condition my hair with Deva Curl No Poo and One Condition, air dry, depending on the day add some Deva Curl Styling Cream and then use my diffuser for a few minutes… all done!

Kellie Wash and Go

Wash and Go: My default go to style

Versatility leads to Hair Happiness
Versatility leads to Hair Happiness
Versatility leads to Hair Happiness

There it is… yes, I take a ridiculous amount of pictures.  That would be what I learned from this post but like I said before, I think it is a requirement for all natural curly girls!  What’s your go to style?  Ever tried the bantu knots?  Let me know!

Happy Thursday!

xoxo- Kellie

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