Books Magazine
Ridicule if you must, but I've spent a large portion of my leftover vacation days in the past week re-watching Veronica Mars. I've watched the show a few times now, and yet somehow I just never get sick of it. Sure, the video quality doesn't seem great compared to new shows, and the fashion choices are starting to look just a wee bit dated (boot cut jeans? *gasp*), but the lead character? Timeless.
I mean seriously, can you think of a better badass girl role model for teenagers? (You know, apart from Buffy, who was the original awesome blonde ass-kicker.) Not only does she stick up for herself (and others), but she's smart, creative and persistent. All things I aspire to.
Anyway, I coincidentally stumbled across a trailer for the new Veronica Mars movie that's in the works (*squee!!!!*):
Come on. That looks awesome. Even if you weren't a fan of the original show. (Which, if you haven't watch it, should now comprise your entire Netflix lineup for the near future.)
I may or may not have also gone looking for books that bear a resemblance in plot and/or character to the show, and stumbled across this. Yes, that's right. There's going to be a Veronica Mars BOOK. Do I dare hope for the awesome it has the potential to be???
The stars have really aligned, because just as I was about to publish this post, an email arrived in my inbox offering 50% off the top 50 pre-orders of 2014 at Chapters. Inclucing the Veronica Mars book. From now until Jan. 6th it's just $8.50!
(Oh, and if you're curious as to what books I found in my search for existing Veronica-esque literature, you can find a pretty good list here. Further suggestions welcomed in the comments!)