Lifestyle Magazine

Velvety Rich Bespoke Wedding Invitations — Made in London

By Claire

New! Bespoke wed­ding invi­ta­tions by WBD Designer Wed­ding Stationery

Designed and printed in Lon­don, UK, these gor­geous invi­ta­tions are per­fect for the roman­tic in any bride or groom!

Wedding invites by Wendy Bell Designer wedding stationery (2)

Photo credit: WBD Designer Wed­ding Stationery

These lux­u­ri­ous, vel­vety rich, bespoke wed­ding invi­ta­tions were com­mis­sioned by a client who is get­ting mar­ried in New Zealand at the end of 2013. The lovely cou­ple had seen WBD’s “Beau­ti­ful But­ter­flies” and “Hum­ming­bird” ranges and wanted to find a way of amal­ga­mat­ing the two. My brief was to cre­ate some­thing rus­tic, roman­tic and colour­ful whilst incor­po­rat­ing some roman­tic word­ing that had caught their eyes.

Wedding invites by Wendy Bell Designer wedding stationery (8)

Photo credit: WBD Designer Wed­ding Stationery

Wedding invites by Wendy Bell Designer wedding stationery (7)

Photo credit: WBD Designer Wed­ding Stationery

Every part of this design has Chris and Emma writ­ten all over it and coor­di­nates beau­ti­fully with their venue on Wai­heke Island — the chan­de­lier on the back of the infor­ma­tion card is the wed­ding venue’s logo!

Wedding invites by Wendy Bell Designer wedding stationery (3)

Photo credit: WBD Designer Wed­ding Stationery

Wedding invites by Wendy Bell Designer wedding stationery (4)

Photo credit: WBD Designer Wed­ding Stationery

I don’t believe that any­one should ever set­tle for sec­ond best when they’re spend­ing hard earned money and plan­ning their wed­ding. This means that I will always endeav­our to work closely with cou­ples to cre­ate the finest wed­ding sta­tionery to suit their budget.

Wedding invites by Wendy Bell Designer wedding stationery (5)

Photo credit: WBD Designer Wed­ding Stationery

Wedding invites by Wendy Bell Designer wedding stationery (6)

Photo credit: WBD Designer Wed­ding Stationery

Bespoke wed­ding invi­ta­tions — Fur­ther Information

All of WBD’s designs are printed to order which means that we don’t have vast stocks in spe­cific colours sit­ting in a ware­house wait­ing to be sold!

All pur­chases include any word­ing you would like and a color change of your choice to suit your wed­ding theme.
Beau­ti­ful But­ter­flies Range
Hum­ming­bird Range
WBD’s Bespoke Show­case

bespoke wedding invitations

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