This morning, I invented this lovely warm Vegan Pear Vanilla Breakfast. Often, Peter & I eat warm oatmeal for breakfast but this morning, I wanted something else so I used whole spelt flakes that are precooked. So when you cook them, you only need like 10 minutes. Will you join me for breakfast?
Well, whole spelt flakes are made from whole grain spelt berries:
100% natural.
Gentler on the digestion than wheat.
Golden in colour, nutty in flavour.
Spelt is an ancient form of wheat. It is high in protein, low in fat and many who cannot tolerate wheat do enjoy spelt as it is lighter on the digestion & that is so true for me & Peter!
Recipe: For 2 persons
1 cup + 1/2 cup whole spelt flakes
2 cups (500 ml) unsweetened soy milk
1 teaspoon home-made vanilla extract
1 very ripe organic pear, cored & cut up into smaller chunks
- Take a medium cooking pot & add all 4 ingredients in it. Cook the spelt flakes on medium-heat for about 10 minutes, stirring often.
- Spoon into 2 lovely colorful breakfast bowls & wait for about 5 minutes. Devour with a big smile on your face! This warm breakfast fills me up for 4 hours! Really good, hey? ♥ Stay Tuned! If you liked this post & want more of them, join 1,750 email followers! Subscribe by email! It is free!
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Sophie’s Foodie Files
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Tagged: Breakfast, Dairy - Free, Egg - Free, Vegan, Vegetarian