Food & Drink Magazine

Vegan Gluten-free Banana Ice-creams with Sophie’s Twists!

By Sophies Foodie

Recently, I have experimented with home-made banana ice-creams! I used a lot of recipes from you-tube & the internet but made this one on my own! ;)

It is really amazing that you can make fabulous banana ice-cream out of 3 large frozen bananas! The flavors, here beautifully combined: rock my taste buds! ooh yes!

Recipe:For 11-12 scoops of banana ice-cream with toasted walnuts, maple syrup, cinnamon & white chocolate chips!

Vegan Gluten-free banana ice-creams with Sophie’s twists!


3 frozen very ripe large bananas if they are not large use 4!  (I peeled my ripe bananas, broke each one into 2 & froze them together in a plastic bag. I freezed them overnight!)

1/2 cup chopped walnuts ( 56 gr), measured when chopped up

1/4 cup vegan white chocolate discs, cut up into smaller pieces, measured when they were discs, not cut up (33 gr) in recipe number 2, use the same amount of vegan dark mini chocolate chips! See picture later on! :)

1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 tablespoon maple syrup ( if you use 4 bananas, add 1/2 tablespoon of maple syrup extra!)


1. First, take a medium non-stick pan & add chopped walnuts. On low heat, toast your nuts until browned on both sides & they must smell amazing! Set aside.

2. Now, place frozen bananas, maple syrup & cinnamon in your Vitamix. Place fitted lid & tamper in. Turn machine on & turn quickly from number 1 to number 10 & then on high-speed. Push your ingredients into the running blades. Stop from time to time. After about 10-20 seconds, your machine will make another louder noise. Now, your banana ice-cream is ready. It is like soft-serve. Scrape every last bit out of the Vitamix & place into a fitted bowl. Now, with help of a spoon, spoon your toasted walnuts & white chocolate pieces through your banana ice-cream. Stir it right through, evenly divided. Place fitted lid on & place into the freezer to turn into a real ice-cream, at least for 5-6 hours. My freezer is set on -18°C! Thaw your ice-cream, 10-15 minutes before serving. Enjoy! :)



2. Recipe: For 11-12 scoops of ice-cream: Banana ice-cream with maple syrup, toasted walnuts, cinnamon & vegan dark mini chocolate chips! Just the same as above but I use vegan dark chocolate chips instead of the white vegan chocolate discs! Same method as above! :) Enjoy them both! I preferred the one with the dark vegan chocolate chips! YUMMM! Keep obviously in the freezer. It is best made the same day that you want to eat it, otherwise the next day, your banana ice-cream has a more banana flavor & is less interesting & less yummy. So, I made my ice-cream in the early morning & served it after 6-7 hours in the freezer. 

Just coming out of the freezer!

Just coming out of the freezer!

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Sophies Foodie Files

Vegan Gluten-free banana ice-creams with Sophie’s twists!

Filed under: Dairy - Free, Dessert, Egg - Free, Gluten - Free, Vegan, Vegetarian
Vegan Gluten-free banana ice-creams with Sophie’s twists!
Vegan Gluten-free banana ice-creams with Sophie’s twists!

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