Hi Everyone,
Vega is a well known brand and today I am going to tell you about a nail buffer from this brand. I got this few months back while shopping online and have been using since then.
Vega 4 way buffer shapes, buffs and shines natural nails in four easy steps.
INR 80
Step 1 - Shape the nails using the emery file from the side. Remove scratches and unevenness of the nail. Always file in one direction, never back and forth.
Step 2 - Use in slow circular motion, to smooth away ridges and stains. Do not aggressively buff thin nails.
Step 3 - Buff the nails in a back and forth motion to create a satin finish.
Step 4 - Buff with rapid side ward strokes for desired shine.
This comes wrapped in a plastic pack and is itself has plastic body with 4 different type of material, two at each side. The first step is of emery file and is hard and scratchy. It is used for filing the nails and it says that it removes scratches from nails and unevenness of nails.
Then the second step is to smooth away ridges and stains in moving it in circular motion.
The third step will give a satin finish to the nails.
The fourth and last step will add shine to the nails. We only need to follow these simple steps to get that shiny and healthy looking nails naturally and without any nail paint or chemicals.
I am in love with this nail buffer now and want to explore more buffers from different brands. This adds amazing shine to my nails and it stays for few days.
Steps 1 and 2 should be done every 10 days and steps 3 and 4 can be done whenever you want shiny nails.
- Affordable
- Easily available
- Add amazing shine to nails
- Can be used to shapes nails
- Easy to grip
- Effective
Yes, it is a good alternative to nail paints. If you don't like painting your nails every time but want shiny nails then this is perfect for you.