Destinations Magazine

Vasco Rossi and His New Song Dannate Nuvole ( 2014)

By Xxlauraxx @all4italy

vasco rossi

My friends, my generation  has grown with a famous Italian rock singer, Vasco Rossi.
I have sung, dreamt, smiled and cried with his songs. Maybe he is not a perfect model of a safe life, anyway all his songs are important elements in our musical panorama.

He was born in 1962 and he is one of the singers who has sold an incredible number of LP.
Now his new song is coming on our radio and I would like to share it with you. The title is Dannate nuvole.

Now I would like to share with you one song I really love. This song was performed the first time in 1997.
The video and the text. Listen the text: it is wonderful! Enjoy!
E tu chissà dove sei anima fragile che mi ascoltavi immobile ma senza ridere. E ora tu chissà chissà dove sei avrai trovato amore o come me, cerchi soltanto d'avventure perché non vuoi più piangere! E la vita continua anche senza di noi che siamo lontano ormai da tutte quelle situazioni che ci univano da tutte quelle piccole emozioni che bastavano da tutte quelle situazioni che non tornano mai! Perché col tempo cambia tutto lo sai cambiamo anche noi e cambiamo anche noi e cambiamo anche noi!
e cambiamo anche noi!

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