Hair & Beauty Magazine

Valentines Makeup : Soft Brown Smoky | Bon Parisien

By Bonparisien

I am sad this Valentine’s Day. :-(

Well, it’s great to be in the Philippines and all but my boo is back in Europe and me no likey because we won’t be able to spend V Day together. It’s alright though. It gives us more reason to make sure we’re together next year. :-D

Anyway, here is my take on Valentine’s Day makeup. For this one, I went for a very soft brown smoky look. If you haven’t noticed, this video and the most previous one have both involved me skipping the black gel liner that I used to do. I have been into just sweeping a dark eyeshadow along the upper lash line and smoking it out by blending. I like the much softer effect that it creates.

Anyway, I hope you like this MOTD. If you have any questions, suggestions, recommendations, or what-have-you, feel free to let me know in the comment section down below.

Thanks for watching!

Valentines Makeup : Soft Brown Smoky | Bon Parisien

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