~ VALENTINE'S DAY MAKE-UP!With the day of love just two short days away I figured my Valentine's Day themed
week wouldn't be complete without at least one make-up inspo post!
So here goes!

Products used to create my face...

BASERimmel London Lasting Finish PrimerMaybelline Dream Wonder FoundationMaybelline Super Stay ConcealerPhysicians Formula Bronze BoosterBenefit BenefitNothing looks quite as good without a perfect base.This is probably the most important part of my whole look.If your skin looks great, then everything else is just icing on the cake!



So there you have it! A simple, little bit glam make-up look for Valentine's Day!Weather you're going to be spending it with your other half, friends, kids or even your pet! I hope everyone has the chance to show the ones we love how much they mean to us. xx

Missed my last post?
January Favourites!Have You Entered My Giveaway Yet?Just 2 days to goooo!!Related Posts!Runway Inspired Makeup Looks!Everyday Makeup!
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*Not sponsored*Some of these products may have been sent to me for consideration/review.*Some affiliate links may be used. (Thank you for supporting my blog!)