It's that time of year again, the day of love will soon be upon us: what will you be doing for the one you love???
Here at the FCC we have been whipping up love by barrel full, so much so that poor old Vincenzo doesn't know which way to turn. Last week while preparing a Zumba Bum cake; yes that is correct a Zumba Bum; he was all a jitter......
Yup I know...well he is a good chef!
Anna...well her trainers!!
Yes that is correct whenever I want a picture of Anna I will take a pikkie of her footwear so much more photogenic and in this case very Valentininy! That word by the way does exist in my vocabulary!As for Valentine's day I will be romancing my new bride, whispering sweet nothings in her ear and hoping that she believes me...Well we do like each other after all....
I am the good looking one....She is very lucky to have me...
Happy Valentine's Day everybody.......