Lifestyle Magazine

Valentine Survey Reveals Odd Things Men Wear During Sex

By Claire

Gen­tle­men around Britain have opened up about what they wear dur­ing sex in a sur­vey car­ried out on behalf of sock sub­scrip­tion ser­vice

Prince Harry

It’ll all become clear if you keep reading!

While many said they wore noth­ing at all, oth­ers admit­ted they like the com­fort of going to bed with their socks on, an act which has pro­voked female out­rage since time immemorial.

Oth­ers admit­ted to wear­ing a foot­ball shirt, fancy dress, under­wear (their own or their partner’s), and in one case, a Prince Harry face mask.

We’re not sur­prised,” said Mark Hall, Gen­tle­man Cre­ation Offi­cer at, “peo­ple just don’t seem to under­stand the pow­er­ful attrac­tion and — let’s face it — the essen­tial com­fort of the hum­ble sock.”

As part of our research, we found no end of women’s lifestyle arti­cles on the web com­plain­ing about men wear­ing socks to bed, but they just don’t under­stand how the male mind works.”

One item even com­plained about men being ‘too lazy’ to take their socks off, ask­ing ‘What else might he be too lazy to do?’. We say the last thing he wants on a cold Feb­ru­ary night is to get cold feet. Socks com­plete the Valentine’s Day expe­ri­ence, and are too cru­cial to be forgotten.

The Prince Harry face mask still freaks us out, though.”

Among the sen­si­ble and not-so-sensible answers to the Socked poll were:

- Noth­ing

- Socks

- Foot­ball shirt

- Pre­fer not to say

- Hat

- Glasses

- Fully clothed

- Dressing-up costume

- Under­wear

- Partner’s underwear

- Prince Harry face mask

The fig­ures are clear to see,” said Hall, “and they send one mes­sage to the gen­tle­women of Britain.

If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. Send your loved one the gift of a sock sub­scrip­tion from this Valentine’s Day. They look great with or with­out clothes and will keep both you and your part­ner happy all year round.”

* * * is a black sock sub­scrip­tion ser­vice for dis­cern­ing gen­tle­men; based in the UK they pro­vide high qual­ity socks for men that are deliv­ered monthly, every three or six months. also gives free eti­quette and style tips to gentlemen.

The ser­vice appeals to time-poor men, and for peo­ple who want to buy that styl­ish gift that keeps giv­ing. Sub­scrip­tions start at just £5.99 a month or £19 a year. Deliv­ery is free and you can can­cel anytime.


socked gentlemans sock subscription service

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