Diaries Magazine

Using My Time Wisely

By Parentalparody @parental_parody
Alternatively titled : Shit I've wasted far too much time doing in the past week

Spent 90 minutes of Miss8's birthday last Thursday taking over her new Blingles machine so that I could spell her initials in bling, telling her that she could have a turn WHEN I'M FINISHED. Unrelated: I may be slightly anal retentive with my OCD obsession with symmetry. Bought an obscene amount of fancy ice creams to shove in my face in lieu of booze during the week.  That in itself didn't take very long, but hiding all of them where #1Hubby wouldn't spot them in the freezer certainly did.   6 boxes of 4 ice creams equated to just over 80 seconds hiding each of the 24 ice creams. I'm confident he won't be checking inside the bag of frozen peas, at the bottom of the stocked ice dispenser, or between the carefully stacked frozen meals.  Or inside the 3 boxes of frozen spinach that I emptied out in order to safely hide my precious fancy pants ice creams.   Clearly he doesn't read my blog.   Now to think of a way to eat them all without him seeing.   Unrelated: I may have issues with sharing.     Cleaned my floors.  Daily.  Enough said, right?   Unrelated:  IO seriously need to get out more, so that I don't spend a crazy amount of time looking at the debris on my floors.  So much time that I actually resort to cleaning it up.     Hand wrote an entire budget to justify a 2 week family cruise.  With a totally fictitious budget, and totally fictitious income that I am going to earn from my fictitious job next year, once the Twin Tornado are at school full time.   Unrelated:  I have totally missed my calling as a financial fiction writer; given my ability to gloss over of all of the things that are possibly slightly more financially savvy and/or pertinent.  And if so, who do I speak to about getting that job next year when the Twin Tornado are at school full time, so that I can fund a 2 week family cruise?     Built a Lego house.  Literally, Ed Sheeran.  After Ed Sheeran's Lego House clip came on, I decided that I was totally going to do it, and so I did.  On my own.  While the kids watched Katy Perry's Eye of the Tiger (something I'm totally not prepared to try in the literal).   Unrelated:  Nailed it.  2 storey.  Every bedroom had its own bathroom.  Walk in robes all round.  It was a beautiful thing.  If only my fictitious financial fiction writing gig paid enough to build a Lego house...again, literally Ed Sheeran.     Curious as to why I partook in such inane time sapping shit?  Stay tuned for this week's FFS!? Friday post for full details.    

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