



  • Mark's Veg Plot

    A blog about gardening, food, cookery, travels and family - specializing in home-grown fruit, vegetables and herbs.


  • Windy Weather

    Windy Weather

    Over the past few days we have had some incredibly windy weather - the sort of winds you expect to get in December or January, but not in late May. Read more

    Posted on 24 May 2020 GARDENING, HOME
  • Radishes


    My veg-plot is fully populated with plants now - there is hardly a square inch of bare soil! However, I haven't yet got much to harvest. Read more

    Posted on 22 May 2020 GARDENING, HOME
  • New Potatoes Coming Along Nicely

    Potatoes Coming Along Nicely

    My efforts with protecting my potatoes, first with the mini-greenhouses and latterly with the fleece, seem to have paid off. The plants are looking big, strong... Read more

    Posted on 19 May 2020 GARDENING, HOME
  • Planting-out Runner Beans

    Planting-out Runner Beans

    In retrospect, I think I sowed my Runner and Borlotto beans a week too early. They were ready for planting-out just as we went into the spell of very cold... Read more

    Posted on 17 May 2020 GARDENING, HOME
  • Foraging Again

    Foraging Again

    Because of the coronavirus pandemic I have not been out foraging for several weeks, but on Wednesday, following the relaxation of some of the Lockdown rules, I... Read more

    Posted on 15 May 2020 GARDENING, HOME
  • Sowing Cucumbers

    Sowing Cucumbers

    I have learned the hard way that it is not sensible to sow cucumber seeds too early. I don't have a greenhouse or polytunnel, so all my cucurbits are grown... Read more

    Posted on 13 May 2020 GARDENING, HOME
  • Potting-up Brussels Sprouts

    Potting-up Brussels Sprouts

    I usually start my brassicas in multi-sown pots - 10 or 12 seeds in a 6-inch pot - and then put them into individual pots when they are big enough. Read more

    Posted on 11 May 2020 GARDENING, HOME
  • Making Comfrey "Tea"

    Making Comfrey "Tea"

    Comfrey Tea is the colloquial name for a highly nutritious plant food made from the stems and leaves of the Comfrey plant (Symphytum spp). Read more

    Posted on 09 May 2020 GARDENING, HOME
  • Increasing My Stock of Watercress

    Increasing Stock Watercress

    We love Watercress, and it's so easy to grow! The two pots of it that I kept from last year have flowered now, so the stems are tough and stringy - no longer an... Read more

    Posted on 07 May 2020 GARDENING, HOME
  • Planting Tomatoes

    Planting Tomatoes

    On Saturday I planted my tomatoes into their final homes. I had been keeping a close watch on the weather forecast, and I judged that the right moment had... Read more

    Posted on 05 May 2020 GARDENING, HOME
  • A Protection Racket

    Protection Racket

    An aerial view of my veg plot confirms that it does contain rather a lot of "hardware".Apart from the wooden-frames raised beds, most of the stuff I call... Read more

    Posted on 03 May 2020 GARDENING, HOME
  • Getting Ready for Beans

    Getting Ready Beans

    My Runner beans have germinated!I sowed 20 Runner Bean seeds - ones I saved from last year's crop. The variety is "Scarlet Emperor", an old-fashioned but... Read more

    Posted on 01 May 2020 GARDENING, HOME
  • Progress Report - Salad Crops

    Progress Report Salad Crops

    The Premier salad crop in my garden is the tomato. My tomato plants are looking good and strong now, after spending quite a bit of time outdoors over the last... Read more

    Posted on 27 April 2020 GARDENING, HOME
  • I Hate Windy Weather!

    Hate Windy Weather!

    It's true, windy weather really upsets me. It makes me feel on edge; I can't relax, and doing any gardening seems like a chore not a pleasure. My young plants... Read more

    Posted on 23 April 2020 GARDENING, HOME
  • White Sourdough Loaf Recipe

    White Sourdough Loaf Recipe

    There has been a huge surge in the popularity of home baking during the coronavirus lockdown. Shops everywhere have run out of flour! Read more

    Posted on 20 April 2020 GARDENING, HOME
  • Prime Sowing Time

    Prime Sowing Time

    For me, the month of April is prime time for sowing seeds and raising young plants. March is too soon - usually too cold and windy, often wet. Read more

    Posted on 19 April 2020 GARDENING, HOME
  • Potting-on Tomato Plants

    Potting-on Tomato Plants

    My little tomato plants have recently been spending time in the garden getting acclimatised to outdoor conditions. Their colour looks better now (darker) and... Read more

    Posted on 16 April 2020 GARDENING, HOME
  • Hardening-off Chillis and Tomatoes

    Hardening-off Chillis Tomatoes

    For the last ten days or so we had have glorious weather - sunny most of the day, and unusually warm - so I have introduced my young chilli and tomato plants... Read more

    Posted on 13 April 2020 GARDENING, HOME
  • Sowing Carrots and Parsnips

    Sowing Carrots Parsnips

    For the last couple of weeks I've been toying with the idea of getting my carrot seeds sown, but I have delayed for two reasons: first, because the bed in... Read more

    Posted on 10 April 2020 GARDENING, HOME
  • Pots and Poles

    Pots Poles

    In the light of the coronavirus pandemic, it has never been as important as now to grow your own veg. We don't have a shortage of vegetables just now (though... Read more

    Posted on 06 April 2020 GARDENING, HOME