

Candor News is a blog I started to promote honest journalism. Our mission is to provide tons of articles on many different topics, but to provide unique and unbiased perspectives.

Candor News is not subscribed to any particular ideology. We want our team members and their writings to be diverse and represent a broad array of topics of their choice. Though we want to promote honest journalism, we know honest doesn’t mean you live in a world of marshmallows. Our perfect aim is honest + fair, and that requires a recipe with no bias.

We believe that a good article is one with an opinion, that true, everyone may not like, but you can’t call it extreme or 100% fabricated. You can be gripping, radical, and moving, without being unfair. Candor News has a team of contributing college writers that we wouldn't be anything without. We strive to bring journalism a younger face.

The articles from Candor News posted to PaperBlog have different authors, not just one, but on PaperBlog, it only reads CandorNews as the author. Click see original article to be transported to the Candor News website and see the author's of the articles you read here.



  • Candor News

    Candor News is a blog started to promote honest journalism. Our mission is to provide tons of articles on many different topics, but to provide unique and unbiased perspectives.

    The articles from Candor News posted to PaperBlog have different authors, not just one, but on PaperBlog, it only reads CandorNews as the author. Click see original article to be transported to the Candor News website and see the author's of the articles you read here.