

Beth, 20, Copywriter, Big, Beautiful, attempting a fashion blog. (weird, wonderful and cute according to my colleagues)



  • The Blogger Made Me Buy It | Tag

    Blogger Made

    A couple of week ago I was tagged by Simone to do this tag, and i’m now finally getting round to doing it. I love reading tags, but I often forget to do them... Read more

    Posted on 20 January 2014 FASHION, LIFESTYLE
  • Body Confidence Week 2014

    Body Confidence Week 2014

    The week of 6th – 12th January saw Body Confidence Week 2014 which was created by Alybongo. Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr all saw the hashtag... Read more

    Posted on 17 January 2014 FASHION, LIFESTYLE
  • Bay of Secrets | Book Review

    Secrets Book Review

    I don’t know about you but I love curling up under a blanket with a book. I was very lucky to get 2 weeks off over Christmas and so I indulged in one of my... Read more

    Posted on 15 January 2014 BOOKS, LIFESTYLE
  • Love EVERY Body #2

    Love EVERY Body

    You may remember seeing at the beginning of December I wrote a letter okay maybe two to my body. I wrote those as part of the Love EVERY Body... Read more

    Posted on 13 January 2014 FASHION, LIFESTYLE, SELF EXPRESSION
  • Find the Nomads

    Find Nomads

    A long while ago I purchased a t-shirt from Find the Nomads, a brand created by YouTubers Louis Cole (Fun for Louis), Steve Booker, and their friend Jake Evans. Read more

    Posted on 10 January 2014 FASHION, LIFESTYLE
  • TSHIRT STORE – Leeds


    After work one Thursday at the beginning of December I hopped on the train to Leeds to go the opening of the new TSHIRT STORE, you may have heard of them as the... Read more

    Posted on 03 January 2014 FASHION, LIFESTYLE
  • Happy New Year

    ! I hope you have a lovely time bringing it in, I’ll be sat watching Supernatural, with a take away and a G T or two! I’m sure you may have noticed that the... Read more

    Posted on 31 December 2013 FASHION, LIFESTYLE
  • What’s in My Stocking?

    What’s Stocking?

    I thought that I would share with you what I got in my Christmas stocking. It is tradition that me and my sister open them together, this year we were up at 4... Read more

    Posted on 27 December 2013 FASHION, LIFESTYLE
  • My Sale Picks

    Sale Picks

    I’ve had a quick browse through some of the sales that are available at the moment, and i’m going to share with you some of the products which will most likely... Read more

    Posted on 26 December 2013 FASHION, LIFESTYLE
  • #bbSecretSanta - What I Got

    #bbSecretSanta What

    I signed up for the #bbsecretsanta and was super excited to find out who I was paired up with. I was paired up with Nadja from Throw Me Something Beautiful. Read more

    Posted on 11 December 2013 FASHION, LIFESTYLE
  • Labels

    Labels are that pesky thing created to describe something/someone. Society puts a lot of weight into these labels that are created.Bloggers are labelled due to... Read more

    Posted on 03 December 2013 FASHION, LIFESTYLE
  • A Letter to My Body Take 2

    Hello Body, again! My mind has decided that in our previous letter we didn't do you justice, and you deserve so much more. You've acted as a shield to protect... Read more

    Posted on 02 December 2013 FASHION, LIFESTYLE
  • A Letter to My Body

    Dear Body, I really don't have anything to complain about, in almost 22 years you've done a lot for me, even if we've had a few breakages along the way. Read more

    Posted on 02 December 2013 FASHION, LIFESTYLE
  • Blog Sale - Plus Size Clothes

    Blog Sale Plus Size Clothes

    If you would like to purchase anything please leave me a comment with the items you wish to buy and your email address. I accept payment by PayPal only, and... Read more

    Posted on 26 November 2013 FASHION, LIFESTYLE
  • The Sound Bath

    I was invited to the Lush Spa in Leeds to experience one of their treatments in full. You may remember that in July I went to the Lush Spa to celebrate their 4t... Read more

    Posted on 17 November 2013 FASHION, LIFESTYLE
  • Spending Ban – Update 2

    Spending Update

    I went shopping only a couple of days after my last update, and I bought a few more Christmas presents. I did get a couple of makeup products but I picked them... Read more

    Posted on 10 November 2013 FASHION, LIFESTYLE
  • Spending Ban – Update 1

    Spending Update

    I’ve managed to complete week 1 of my spending ban, I wasn’t paid until Thursday and the end of the month always requires very little spending! Read more

    Posted on 02 November 2013 FASHION, LIFESTYLE
  • Happy Halloween!

    Happy Halloween! I just want to share with you a Halloween video that I filmed with my sister, where we showed you how to make one of our favorite edible... Read more

    Posted on 31 October 2013 FASHION, LIFESTYLE
  • Spending Ban


    Georgina from Makeup Pixi3 posted today about doing a spending ban so that she can save up for a DSLR that she has been wanting. Read more

    Posted on 26 October 2013 FASHION, LIFESTYLE
  • Body Positivity | #BodyConfidenceWeek

    Body Positivity #BodyConfidenceWeek

    Being happy with your body isn't something that you can just switch on or off, if only it was that easy! Since I've started blogging I've become much more... Read more

    Posted on 18 October 2013 FASHION, LIFESTYLE