Wind Energy (Photo credit: janie.hernandez55)
Continuing the theme of energy this Tuesday – the 13th day of March in the year 2012 –
Sir Thomas Buxton once said
“The longer I live, the more deeply I am convinced that that which makes the difference between one man and another – between the weak and the powerful, the great and the insignificant, is energy – invisible determination – a purpose once formed and then death or victory. This quality will do anything that has to be done in the world, and no talents, no circumstances, no opportunities, will make one a man without it.”
Of course this quote is old – and now I assume Sir Thomas would include women in his quote – we as people can use the invisible determination – the invisible – what a great realization to be able to tap into this invisible energy – which I call God and which becomes visible as we use it in our lives.
Today can you open your awareness and use this unseen energy? Of course you can – depend on it, use it and do anything in the world!
You create your day by the way you think. Make it magnificent!
Blessings, Shawna