U.S. presidential race; final round tomorrow
Tens of millions of Americans will be tuning in tomorrow evening to find out whether the heretofore lethargic chief executive can spring to life and get the better of Romney in their second encounter. Monday’s 90-minute debate will be moderated by Bob Schieffer of CBS News. The debate in Boca Raton, with its focus on international affairs, is the third and final between the two rivals and comes just 15 days before the election. The topic is Foreign Policy which is identical to the very first debate. Candidates President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney will participant in the debate. The debate time is 9 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. eastern. The moderator is Bob Schieffer (Host of Face the Nation on CBS).
While President Obama received lackluster reviews for his performance during debate No. 1, viewers saw a changed man on Tuesday—tough, spirited, and willing to chase down his opponent’s evasions. It was declared a victory by political pundits for Republican Presidential Nominee Governor Mitt Romney. President Obama was focused and stayed on message but the American people wanted him to be more aggressive and not assertive. Get ready for the final presidential debate! Experts however said.
“President Obama is back in the game with a strong debate performance. Romney’s was strong too,”said Karlyn Bowman, senior fellow at the think tank American Enterprise Institute. “We have now, as we have had for some time, a very close race.”
Republican nominee Mitt Romney demonstrated without question that debates could alter the narrative of a high stakes presidential campaign — and there are still two more to go before the Nov. 6 election. A badly scarred President Obama will have a chance on Tuesday to regain his equilibrium and slow Romney’s surge in the polls with a strong performance at a town hall meeting style debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, N.Y.
It will be similar to the first debate, with both men standing at lecterns on a stage. Schieffer has listed five subject areas, with more time devoted to the Middle East and terrorism than any other topic. While the economy has been the dominant theme of the election, foreign policy has attracted renewed media attention in the aftermath of the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens. A number of issues were raised on Tuesday night, from women’s rights in the workplace to foreign policy, the economy and jobs tops the lists of important issues for Americans amid a sluggish recovery and high jobless rates.
But regardless of their outcome, the debates are only part of the equation in determining who the next president will be. Other events in the closing days of the race could easily deliver that classic October Surprise. Still, next Monday’s third and final debate will focus on foreign policy, which presents a second chance for Romney to confront Obama on the Libya attack.