Fashion Magazine

Update 2 – 100 Day Challenge

By Bethtinkerbell @TinksLostGirls

Hello Folks,

I know the end of week 3 is almost at an end but I will update for week 2 before week 3 ends. I went to the clothes swap in Leeds which I posted about here, I must admit that the trip into Chloe’s shop made me want to spend loads, but fortunately my debit card had been left behind at home. One great thing about the clothes swap was that I got to rejuvenate my wardrobe without spending a penny on new clothing.

I did buy something though, which was a Helen Rochfort hand drawn Poppy satchel, it was a seconds on Ebay for £12.50 and I couldn’t resist. I did spend less than last week and so if I can cut down each week until i’m not spending then i’ll be happy with that.

It is difficult to do because I don’t tend to think when i’m spending, and so i’m trying to think more before I spend, and about what i’m spending on. I am trying to pay more attention to what i’m spending on, but I have 2 birthdays coming up and so i’ll be unable to spend on myself anyway.

I thought I’d keep a tally of what I spend each week.

Week 1 – £12.98
Week 2 - £12.50

Total - £25.48

Tink x

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