Fashion Magazine

Plan With Me | Ellen Bee Makes

By Bethtinkerbell @TinksLostGirls

I'm back with another plan with me, this time the basic kit is from Ellen Bee Makes.
Plan With Me | Ellen Bee Makes
The kit is a bargain £2.50 for a 3 sheet kit that includes 8 full boxes, 2 strips of bottom washi, 24 headers, 4 half boxes and a weekend banner. I really like that it's just the basics you need for a layout and then you can add in everything else that you need to build up your weekly spread.
As usual I set about by putting in my basic layout, To Do at the top with a checklist, Today and a decorative full box, and Little Things, along with the bottom washi and weekend banner.
Plan With Me | Ellen Bee Makes
Due to today being a bank holiday I decided that I didn't need a to do checklist as to be honest I'm not going to get much done, I also only had 4 pink checklists left so today was the best day to go checklist free out of the whole week.
Plan With Me | Ellen Bee Makes
I then work through and add my decorative and functional stickers so that I can plan out the week. I don't like to put too much in when I do my weekly plan as things do change. I prefer to fill it out as I go along, I add in the things that I know aren't going to change, such as appointments or bin day.
Plan With Me | Ellen Bee Makes
I have very little left from my £2.50 basic kit, I have one full box, one half box and the 3 extra headers.
Plan With Me | Ellen Bee Makes
Not only did I use my kit from Ellen Bee Makes, I also used stickers from It's Only Me Caralee (Code BETH10 will get you 10% off), Callie Rose Co, Dook Plook Designs, Pemberley Prints and EllieBeth Designs UK.
Plan With Me | Ellen Bee Makes

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