Attention Everything & Nothin’ Family! This post is a little different than my usual posting. I am going to New Hampshire in October and I can’t wait. I am trying to see all 50 states and I have never been to New Hampshire. I wanted to pop in and let you all help plan my trip with Eventbrite. I am totally addicted to this site and their app. I use it all the time to find unique events nearby. You can seriously find an event for everything you are interested (including blogging events).
They are promoting GOMO (Going Out More Often). I believe it is so important to go out and see the world. You can learn so much more and experience real life. It really is much more fun than just watching events on television and Netflix. There is nothing like experiencing life first hand. I am totally excited to GOMO in New Hampshire. Keep reading to see some of the awesome events in New Hampshire and help me choose what to do. Let me know how you plan to GOMO and what cool events you can find in your local area.
Note: During the month of October, I will be posting my vacation and what events I attended . I am so excited to have you all along for the ride.
Help Me Choose What To Do In New Hampshire:
Here is a list of exciting activities that are going on during my trip! Help me choose what to do!
Image Source: Eventbrite
Learn how to make a Pumpkin Spice Lip Scrub and Face Mask
Image Source: Eventbrite
Intro to Yoga. I have been wanting to get back into Yoga and this is a free class!
Image Source: Eventbrite
Zumbathon! I love Zumba.
Which event should I go to? Or all three? You tell me!
To learn more about Eventbrite and how it works, Click Here. It is totally FREE to search and find events. I am just so obsessed! You can also RSVP Online.
Now you tell me! What should I do? Also, let me know how you plan to GOMO!
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