Isn't this true? We depend directly or indirectly on food produced by plants. There are vital for our life and well-being. We have all come across vegetable gardens of different types - on land, pots, vines, hanging, etc., But, have you seen anyone grow cilantro in soda cans, potatoes in a barrel, and herbs on a gutter? Well, scroll down and you will see some unique vegetable gardens. Also, having a small backyard space doesn't mean you can't grow plants - you just have to be creative! And, this is the time of the year, when we can get our hands dirty in our gardens.
The pictures below are entirely convincing, and the links do give you more information on how to create these unique vegetable gardens. I think this is a kind of creativity that will help us stay healthy both mentally and physically. Planning the landscape, planting the seeds, maintaining, harvesting and enjoying the yields can be therapeutic to the mind. It also promotes a sense of purpose in life. There will always be something to look forward to every morning. It could be a new leaf, bud or a vegetable!