Before we discuss potential consequences of the Report, we should first establish what allegedly happened. But please keep in mind that what we have here is one-sided; only the prosecution presents the facts in this type of legal proceeding, hence the old joke that a grand jury would “indict a ham sandwich.” Still, the facts in the Report, which uncover grave acts of sexual assault against “minor male children,” make my skin crawl. Sandusky, who is accused of crimes while he worked for the “football team and after he retired,” is also the founder of The Second Mile, a charity and foster home he created in 1977 to help troubled boys.

Victim 1: When this boy met Jerry Sandusky, he was 11 or 12-years-old. “As with the remaining victims, Victim 1 only came to Sandusky’s attention during his second year in the program, when the boy attended The Second Mile’s camp on Penn State University Park Campus.” (Report at 1). So Uncle Jerry liked to prey off unsuspecting troubled young boys through the charity he created, great. Once the two met, Sandusky began to see the boy on a “weekly” basis, planning sleepovers, inviting him to Eagles’ games, or giving him gifts like “golf clubs, a computer, gym clothes, dress clothes, and cash.” (Report at 2). He took the kid everywhere, from restaurants to swimming pools to “church.” Yup, church (at least they went somewhere they could fit in). When they had their little slumber parties, Uncle Jerry would visit the boy after he went to bed under the guise of “cracking his back.” He would make the boy lay on top of him in the dark, and roll his hands up-and-down his back. This “became a ritual at bedtime.” (Report at 3). Back cracking eventually progressed to butt rubbing to intimate belly blowing to full-on mouth kissing. After they hit the first three bases of disgusting underage sex crimes:

Victim 2: This particular incident has exploded in the press, because Uncle Jerry not only fucked a little boy, he fucked Penn State, too. “Welcome to Uncle Jerry’s Shower Room of Horrors. Please drop your pants and stand against the wall. When we want you badly enough at PSU, we put on the full-press recruitment which you are about to experience.” You know what? Let’s make this like the worst Choose-Your-Own Adventure ever.
It is about 9:30 p.m. on March 1, 2002, the night before Spring Break. (Report at 7). You are a 28-year-old graduate assistant, walking into the Lasch Football Building on University Park Campus. Do you: A) put away your sneakers like you came here to do or B) take advantage of the empty gym and practice free throws naked? You choose A, which I guess is a good thing, because the story couldn’t possibly get any weirder. As you enter the locker room, you are surprised to see that the lights and showers are still on. Your forehead crinkles in confusion as you then hear “rhythmic, slapping sounds” that you believe are “the sounds . . . of sexual activity.” (Report at 7). Huh, the night just got interesting. Do you: A) peer around the corner, hoping to see a remake of Debbie Does Dallas, or B) get the fuck out of there and burn your ears with lit cigarettes? High on Four Loko and Adderall and feeling rather turned on, you choose A. And instantly, immediately regret it. Instead of dying, which you would prefer:

Turns out, Curley claimed you never told him about the horrific anal sex that you witnessed; he said you only saw some “horsing around.” He flatly denied, multiple times, that you ever mentioned sex was involved. He did admit, however, that he shared your story with University President Graham Spanier, who then “testified to his approval of the approach taken by Curley.” (Report at 8). You know, the approach that did not include the police or any other authority. The President apparently thought it was totally cool that little boys were being banged in his locker room. It seems that Vice President Schultz also forgot what you told him. While he admitted being aware of a prior “child protective services” investigation involving Uncle Jerry in 1998, he did not recall anything specific about sexual activity in the locker room. And although he oversees the University Police Department, he didn’t think it was necessary to tell them about your concerns. Instead, he had the entire incident reviewed by Wendell Courtney, former counsel for the University. Guess what? Counselor Courtney ALSO represents, wait for it, The Second Mile. (Report at 9). Imagine that. Uncle Jerry’s attorney for The Second Mile was also the attorney for Penn State University. I didn’t think it was possible for this story to get any dirtier. The whole merry band of losers failed to do anything about the incident.

Victim 3: He met Uncle Jerry in 2000, when he was 13-years-old and going into eighth grade. Sandusky invited him “home for dinner, to hang out, walk the family dogs and to go to Penn State football games.” (Report at 13). They would often go to the gym and shower together. When Victim 3 chose a shower that was far away from Uncle Jerry, he would be guilt-tripped into moving closer. Sandusky “initiated physical contact in the shower with Victim 3 by patting him, rubbing his shoulders, washing his hair, and giving him bear hugs.” (Report at 13). On a few occasions, Uncle Jerry’s erection even poked him in the back. Just like with Victim 1, this boy had slumber parties at Sandusky’s house, where his back was rubbed and his genitals were touched. He eventually started sleeping on his stomach, so Uncle Jerry could not access his special places.

Victim 5: This boy met Uncle Jerry when he was only seven or eight-years-old. We are dealing with a second grader here, a new circle of hell, so be warned. Both he and Victim 6 were invited to a Penn State football game and personally driven to the field by Uncle Jerry. (Report at 16). Victim 5 went to 15 games, FIFTEEN, as Uncle Jerry’s guest. Sometimes, the games were followed by a shower. One time, the boy felt Sandusky watching him with an erection. (Report at 17). He felt uncomfortable, so he turned around. The next thing he knew, Uncle Jerry was standing right behind him; when he tried to move away, he was pinned against the shower wall. He could not escape. Uncle Jerry then took his hand and “placed it on his erect penis.” (Report at 17). When the boy wouldn’t participate, he turned the shower off. He was never touched again; he was also never invited to another football game.
Victim 6: This boy also met Uncle Jerry when he was only seven or eight-years-old. Sandusky used to invite him to Penn State games regularly. One time, in 1998, the victim recalls that he was invited to work-out with Uncle Jerry. After about 20 minutes, even though he “wasn’t sweaty,” he was forced to take a shower.

Victim 7: In 1994, when the victim was about 10-years-old, Uncle Jerry invited him to a Penn State football game. This MO is getting old. They became so close that he was invited to Uncle Jerry’s son’s football games, to special sleepovers at Uncle Jerry’s house, and into Penn State coach’s meetings. Sandusky frequently rubbed the boy’s thighs and “on more than one occasion . . . put his hand down the waistband of Victim 7’s pants.” (Report at 21). He used his whole back-rubbing-and-bear-hugging routine. But when the boy did not return Uncle Jerry’s advances, he did not hear from him again. That is, until Uncle Jerry, Uncle Jerry’s wife, and Uncle Jerry’s friends all called him in the weeks leading up to his Grand Jury testimony. Sketchy bastards. (Report at 21).
Victim 8: This boy’s identity remains unknown. (Report at 23). But in the fall of 2000, Jim Calhoun, a janitor at the Lasch Football Building, observed a young boy being pinned against the wall, getting a blow job from Uncle Jerry. He was so disturbed and upset that he immediately reported the incident to his superiors. (Report at 21). A fellow janitor, Ronald Petrosky, also witnessed a young boy, about 11 to 13-years-old, being led hand-in-hand by Uncle Jerry into the locker room that night. As the two janitors discussed what they had seen, Jim Calhoun started crying.

In fact, the credibility of Curley and Schultz is indelibly tied to the credibility and culpability of President Spanier, leader of the whole fucking school. If he decided that Uncle Jerry should be banned from the locker room, he also deemed that the matter, while serious, did not need to be investigated further. The fact that he is still calling the shots is absurd. In some cases, like with Victim 8, the school did not even bother to find out the name of the abused boy; in other cases, like with Victim 2, they did not follow up with the victim when they knew, for certain, that abuse had occurred. Penn State’s apathy, from the President on down, is appalling. We are not talking about steroids or free tattoos or bottles of booze or even cocaine; we are talking about the explicit and extensive sexual abuse of children. One of the most disgusting crimes that can be alleged. On campus. There is simply no justification for failing to investigate or for looking the other way.

I don’t know what will happen. After having knowledge for over a decade, it is about time that Penn State was forced to accept responsibility. And after reading this, it is about time we all took a hot shower. Preferably, one without Uncle Jerry’s bear-hugs.
UPDATE: Curley and Schultz just stepped down.