Lifestyle Magazine

Types of Bespoke Wedding Invitations

By Claire

Types of bespoke Wed­ding Invitations

Wed­ding invi­ta­tions — whether bespoke or not they can come in all shapes and sizes.  Some­times it can be quite bewil­der­ing!  At Artemis Sta­tionery I believe in giv­ing our clients as much choice and free­dom as pos­si­ble which means if you include dif­fer­ent size and shape vari­a­tions we have at least 20 dif­fer­ent items that can be used as bespoke invi­ta­tions, Save the Dates or Thank You cards.

These stretch from the small and sim­ple to the large and very grand.  This the first of a two part post going through some of the types of bespoke wed­ding invi­ta­tions sold by Artemis Sta­tionery and other wed­ding sta­tion­ers, what gen­eral price point the invi­ta­tions sell at and how they’re used.

Wed­ding invi­ta­tions: cards

If you have ever received a Birth­day or Christ­mas card you are prob­a­bly famil­iar with the for­mat: a piece of card folded in the mid­dle with a cover printed on one side and space to write inside.  In the Artemis Sta­tionery sta­ble some­times I think the cards are like insects as they are the most numer­ous in type, much like insects!  But there the sim­i­lar­i­ties end – prob­a­bly a good thing.

There’s three shapes: rec­tan­gle – por­trait, square, and rec­tan­gle – land­scape.  But they each come in three dif­fer­ent sizes. Cards are our most tra­di­tional type of invi­ta­tion and the text inside is printed on a paper insert, like those swanky upmar­ket cards!  Across the broader world of wed­ding sta­tionery there is a bit of a mix, so some cards will come with paper inserts whereas oth­ers will print onto the inside of the card.

Cards are nor­mally afford­able — mid ranged in price, though smaller gen­er­ally means cheaper.  I often find my clients use the small cards as evening invites but have still been fairly pop­u­lar as day invites too.

Invi­ta­tion Count: 9

Capri card bespoke wedding invitation

Capri card bespoke wed­ding invi­ta­tion in pas­tel blue with swarovski crystals

Como small dotty wedding invitation cards

Como small dotty wed­ding invi­ta­tion cards

To see these sta­tionery ranges click the links below:

Wed­ding Invi­ta­tions:  Sheet Invitations

Yes it’s a damn good name and do not say it too quickly!  I can’t actu­ally think of a bet­ter term right now to cover this group of invi­ta­tions as they’re listed by size on Artemis Sta­tionery.  These invites are typ­i­fied by being made from a sin­gle sheet of card.  We sell them in two sizes: A6 which is approx­i­mately a post­card size, and our larger one is A5 in size which prob­a­bly also reflects the range of sizes out there too with some in-betweens as well.

There are prac­ti­cal con­sid­er­a­tions like enve­lope sizes and the fact if you start mak­ing it much larger the sheet of card would be quite floppy do also come into play though.   Artemis Stationery’s sheet invi­ta­tions can be mounted on another layer of card.  Some sta­tionery pro­duc­ers can print these dou­ble sided but we add a sec­ond sheet of card behind, which we are very good at glu­ing and get­ting the edges just right.

Our A6 post­cards start from £1.  Just because they’re rea­son­ably afford­able doesn’t mean we put any less effort into them.  Our clients often choose these A6 as Save the Dates but they’ve been used for day and evening invites too.  If you’d like to read about the effort we put into an A5 save the date take a look at the Artemis Sta­tionery blog here.  Across wed­ding sta­tionery providers these are gen­er­ally the more afford­able items by virtue of their sim­plic­ity to build.  See more of our post­cards on our blog here.

Invite Count: 13

Bologne Art Deco style A5 mounted bespoke wedding invitation

Bologne Art Deco style A5 mounted bespoke wed­ding invitation

Selection of postcard sized Save the Dates, Naples (butterflies), Florence(flowers), Catania (Carnival)

Selec­tion of post­card sized Save the Dates, Naples (but­ter­flies), Florence(flowers), Cata­nia (Carnival)

A5 Mounted Invite Sienna floral wedding invitation in red with art deco fonts

A5 Mounted Invite Sienna flo­ral wed­ding invi­ta­tion in red with art deco fonts

To see these sta­tionery ranges click the links below:

  • Bologne — click to see more
  • Naples — click to see more
  • Flo­rence — click to see more
  • Cata­nia — click to see more
  • Sienna - click to see more

Wed­ding Invi­ta­tions: Magnets

I think this may be the only one that is unique to Artemis Sta­tionery.  Not that other sell­ers do not have mag­netic items, I know tonnes do in Amer­ica but our approach is as far as I can tell unique or at least was when we unveiled them.  Artemis Sta­tionery has a dou­ble sided mag­net made of card.  The design goes on the front like the nor­mal cover and the reverse can have text on the reverse plus they’ll stick to metal either way around.  If you’d like to read more take a look on the blog.

So far they have only been bought as Save the Dates but there is noth­ing stop­ping them being used as invi­ta­tions.  Across the indus­try gen­er­ally speak­ing it is often the more tra­di­tional plas­tic or Per­spex fridge mag­nets which are pro­duced.  These are bet­ter as save the dates due to the lim­ited scope there is for cram­ming infor­ma­tion on.

Invite Count: 14

Genoa Save the Date in purple and grey

Genoa Save the Date in pur­ple and gray using script and art deco style fonts

Bunting Save the Date Design

Bunting Save the Date Design

To see these sta­tionery ranges click the links below:

  • Genoa - click to see more
  • Bunting! - click to see more

Wed­ding Invi­ta­tions: Wallets

I must admit we are yet to unleash our wal­lets.  Pro­to­types have been made and I’ve been scratch­ing my head try­ing to fig­ure out how to take a good photo of them.  This is not my strongest skill if you’ve seen my images.  It is a good look­ing invi­ta­tion.  Imag­ine your guests get­ting the enve­lope or post­ing box in the post.  They open it and see the wal­let, it’s the start of the show but it saves the best for last as the reveal shows the lov­ingly made invite inside.

These invites have a touch of the the­atri­cal but don’t always have space for a tonne of infor­ma­tion.  Ours come at a bit of a pre­mium as we hand make the wal­let as it’s printed with design ele­ments on but wal­lets can be bought from man­u­fac­tur­ers to so they start in mid-range price cat­e­gories upwards.

Invite Count: 15

Calabria floral wallet invitation

Cal­abria flo­ral wal­let invi­ta­tion, the invi­ta­tion is mounted and the wal­let is shown behind.

Cal­abria - click to see more

This is the end of part one, keep check­ing back for part 2 in around a week or so’s time.  In the mean­time if you’re inter­ested in any of the prod­ucts you have seen or read about here please check out the Artemis Sta­tionery web­site or blog.

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