Every little wallflower, dreams of becoming a Princess someday, according to this 1945 Maybelline ad.
Annette, Noel A. and Helen Williams, 1929.
Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Helen, who dreamed of being a Princess, waiting for her handsome Prince Charming to come along and sweep her away on his white horse.
Ten years later, sweet Helen - no longer a portrait of a wall flower - evolved into a Princess, with the most beautiful, Maybelline Eyes.
"Maybe she was born with it - Maybe it's Maybelline," certainly applied to Helen Williams, who, not only was born into the Maybelline family - (her parents being Noel J. and Frances Williams,) but was as beautiful as any Star in a Maybelline ad.

"Two basic elements comprise every romance novel: a central love story and an emotionally - satisfying and optimistic ending."
Maybelline's Princess Bride.
If there ever was a Princess, so cherished by her betrothed, it was - Annette Louise Williams - The Princess Bride!

One day, out of the blue, and much to her surprise, Annette was introduced to a handsome, charming man, wearing a WW ll, Army Air Corps uniform and her heart skipped a beat. Within a short time Annette was engaged to this wonderful man named, George Corbett, and her family rejoiced!! Soon the Wedding invitations were sent and the Wedding of the year was planned.

The Father of the Bride, Noel James Williams, walks his darling daughter down the isle to her betrothed. Below Annette Williams, takes a picture at their family home, in Sauganash Illinois, with her brother Noel A. Williams, sister, Helen Williams-Huber and brother, Dick Williams, before becoming, Annette Williams-Corbett.