The answer to Thursday's Trivia Question: Dwayne, Roger and RERUN!!! The show was What's Happening and I'm glad that SO many of you not only knew the answer, but loved the show!
FIRST FIVES: Lance Beitler, Dan Realson, Monica Caraffa, Rachel Snyder & Candace Gorin
Honorable Mention: Lillian Doremus Wednesday's Broadcast Top 5 MasterChef-FOX 2.2/5.4Healing in the Heartland Concert-NBC 1.9/8.5
Dateline-NBC 1.6/7.0
Modern Family-ABC 1.4/4.6
How to Live With Your Parents-ABC 1.3/4.0\
Wednesday's Broadcast Trendrr Top 5
Healing in the Heartland: Multiple Nets 74,776
MasterChef-FOX 15,880
The American Baking Competition-CBS 37,216
WWE Main Event-Ion 30,203
Porque el Amor Manda-Univision 25,765
Wednesday's Cable Top 5
The Big Bang Theory-TBS 1.5/3.2
The Big Bang Theory-TBS 1.2/2.8
Duck Dynasty-A&E .8/2.1
American Dad-Adult Swim .8/2.0 Wednesday's Cable Trendrr Top 5 Stanley Cup Playoffs-NBC Sports 351,276 International Soccer-ESPN 81,983 Melissa & Joey-ABC Family Psych-USA 32,380 Mythbusters-Discovery 32,124
Ultra short today...watched nothing, no big news except that today is the last day of May which means last day for May trivia...Monday it all starts over...remember...every answer counts! NEWS & INFORMATION:
Hannibal has already been renewed for a 13 episode second season.
Animal Planet renewed River Monsters for a 6th season
No surprise at all that Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj both leaving American Idol...officially Friday's Trivia Question: PART 1...Kelly Garrett, Jill Munroe & ?
PART 2 for 10 points...what is this weeks theme? Have a great weekend! WWTM-Kristy Like me on Facebook at Watching Way Too MuchFollow me on Twitter at watchingwaytoomuch@tvnme http://watchingwaytoomuch.com [email protected]