Hair & Beauty Magazine

Twinsie Tuesday - Most Hated Trend

By Marijonails @marijonails
Hi everyone!!
For this week's Twinsie Tuesday theme, we have to share our most hated trend.  I think my regular readers already know my choice: CRACKLE!  I never liked it, don't get it, and just think it's not a cute look.  So you can imagine, I didn't even want to do a mani for this post.
I actually thought of doing some nail art with "cracks" to get away from it and mix it up a bit, but I gave in and used the only crackle polish I have, Revlon Attraction (nail art break-up).

Twinsie Tuesday - Most Hated Trend

Artificial Light

Twinsie Tuesday - Most Hated Trend

Artificial Light

Twinsie Tuesday - Most Hated Trend

Artificial Light

I layered a coat of Attraction over China Glaze Glistening Snow and added top coat.  I actually could tolerate this mani because of the beautiful sparkle from Glistening Snow peeking through. Did it change my mind about crackle though, no!
What do you guys think of crackle? What nail polish trend do you hate?
Don't forget to visit the Twinsies to see what trends they hate most.
Chelsea: http://nailedblog.comMeredith: http://polishandcharms.blogspot.comNory: http://fiercemakeupandnails.comRachel: http://topcoatit.comAnna: http://goingtotheshowing.blogspot.comChiChi: http://beautystarr1009.blogspot.comCordia: http://obsessivecosmetichoardersunite.blogspot.comElizabeth: http://didmynails.blogspot.comKelly:

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