Today's Twinsie Tuesday challenge was to do something inspired by our culture. I decided to use the flag from my country.
Do you know what country it is? I was born in Guyana, which is in South America. I lived there for 8 years before moving to the States. I'm grateful to visit every few years and be in the warmth, eating fresh fruit and foods from my culture.
Here are the polishes I used:
Index: Revlon Fire Fox
Middle: Tip Top Creme Brulee
Ring: Revlon Fire Fox, Nicka K Noir (black), Tip Top Creme Brulee, Sinful Colors Snow Me White, Barry M Emerald Green
Pinky: Barry M Emerald Green
Top Coat: Beauty Secrets
Artificial Light
Artificial Light
Artificial Light
Artificial Light
Natural Light
I added Beauty Secrets Top Coat to all nails.I free handed the flag, so it wasn't perfect, but it came out pretty close to the original, which you can see below.
Just a little bit about the Guyanese flag:
Guyana's Flag is also called The Golden Arrowhead. It has 5 symbolic colors. GREEN represents the agricultural and forested nature of Guyana, WHITE symbolizes the rivers and water potential of the country, a GOLDEN arrow represents Guyana's mineral wealth, BLACK symbolizes endurance and RED represents the zeal and dynamism.
You can find out more about Guyana here and here.
What do you guys think of this mani? Where are you from?
I'm looking forward to seeing how my twinsies were inspired by their cultures. Be sure to check them out!
Ashley: http://artevolve.blogspot.comChelsea: http://nailedblog.comKatherine: http://hauloffame.blogspot.comMeredith: http://polishandcharms.blogspot.comNory: http://fiercemakeupandnails.comRachel: http://topcoatit.comSarah: http://seesarahswatch.blogspot.comAnna: http://goingtotheshowing.blogspot.comChiChi: http://beautystarr1009.blogspot.comBrandi: http://seriouslyswatched.blogspot.comTara: http://polishyoftruth.comMaribeth: http://obsessivecosmetichoardersunite.blogspot.comElizabeth: http://didmynails.blogspot.comJamie: