Yeah, kind of a big lover of shoes & after seeing the Glamorous Jeffrey Campbell competition on facebook I've fell head over heels for the Everly cut out boots! - But with them being a depressing £130, It looks like I'll be trying to find a decent high street dupe instead! Coco Chanel is a scent that always reminds me of my Mama, I was forever pinching a spritz when I was younger, much to her annoyance! - Saying that, I can completely understand now, because it comes at a pretty hefty price tag! The GHDs are a pipe dream too, I can barely afford a pair of these myself & I'd die if I knew anyone spent that much on me. So it looks like I'll be putting together a "GHD fund" & saving until I can burn the S#*t out of my hair! & finally, I've applied for a press pass for this years Clothes Show Live. This is probably the only birthday present that may seem within reach, I'll be without a doubt buying myself a ticket, as the 25th anniversary is not something I'm willing to miss out on! So if any of my family are reading this, a few pennies towards what I know will be a very shopaholic frenzy day would be amazeballs! What do you think of my birthday wish list? Bloglovin | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram