Culture Magazine

Turkey // Istanbul - Evening of Day One

By Darlenedame
turkey // istanbul - evening of day oneturkey // istanbul - evening of day oneturkey // istanbul - evening of day oneturkey // istanbul - evening of day oneturkey // istanbul - evening of day oneturkey // istanbul - evening of day oneturkey // istanbul - evening of day oneturkey // istanbul - evening of day oneturkey // istanbul - evening of day oneturkey // istanbul - evening of day oneturkey // istanbul - evening of day one
^^ one of the few things i could stomach were these little delicious donuts. i could have eaten a thousand of them!
turkey // istanbul - evening of day oneturkey // istanbul - evening of day oneturkey // istanbul - evening of day one
^^ nothing about these 'treats' appeal to me
turkey // istanbul - evening of day oneturkey // istanbul - evening of day oneturkey // istanbul - evening of day one
 ^^ i was obsessed with these lights. they were everywhere and i wanted to buy some for the nursery but decided against carrying them around the rest of the trip
turkey // istanbul - evening of day oneturkey // istanbul - evening of day one
 the rest of the day in istanbul was a little more mellow. we went back to the apartment so i could lay down and nap. that felt heaven sent. 
after resting for a little while, we left to watch the sunset. it was so beautiful seeing all the mosques with spires around us and the sun setting behind them. there were a lot of people around but i remember it feeling quiet.. everyone seemed to just be taking it in. we made our way to dinner and walked by lots of traditional turkish shops full of spices, turkish delights, colorful lights and whatnot. 
the atmosphere of the restaurant we ate in was awesome. we sat on pillows and rugs while we ate but the food was slightly disappointing. i was hoping turkish food would have been more like indian food with naan and curries but it wasn't so much. one thing that was nice about being pregnant is that tanner actually took the time to get at least three full meals and snacks in between for me. i know that is normal, but not for that guy. i guess he honestly has gotten better over the years and has actually become more of a foodie, but for a long time we would eat on the go.. which usually meant popping in a bakery, grabbing some bread or whatever then continue on while we ate it. he has always been good about stopping and eating something good and hearty for dinner but that was an adjustment for me because for me, the best part about traveling is trying new delicious food!

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